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  1. CascadiaRiver

    Coturnix Color? Beige to White

    Hello! I rescued this stray Coturnix from the humane society a few months back, "Mr. Pretty Lady" (thought it was a hen, its a cock lol) was golden when we first got him, but has since molted out into a steely-white. Not quite as pure white as Coturnix I've had in the past. Some of the family...
  2. CascadiaRiver

    Male or Female? Mystery "naked" 4w/o chick

    We got Rudie (Rudy the Ruby Red Rooster originally, but we changed it to Rudie in crossing fingers for a girl) from a feedstore "Assorted Bantams" bin, straight comb, yellow legs, dark red feathers, I am assuming bantam RIR/Rhode Island as other options seemed too exotic for WilCo to stock...
  3. CascadiaRiver

    Treating Mites in a Quail

    Hello! It's been a long time, but I need some poultry advice! I'm taking a quail home today who seems to be fairly happy and healthy, however she absolutely has mites. The mites are believed to be northern fowl mites, they're nestled up in the feather bases in the area under her vent. Our vet...
  4. CascadiaRiver

    mycoplasma? hen with swollen ears...

    I've done some light reading on MG... extremely saddened. Our ladies are getting old now, we've been losing some here and there this year (unfortunate timing with a lot of other awful things happening) from different causes, and after everything seemed to have settled down... one of our younger...
  5. CascadiaRiver

    Soft Shelled Eggs

    I have a hen who has consistently laid soft shelled eggs during these past few months I've owned her. I'm not breeding currently because of the cold weather here but come warmer weather in spring, is there any tips on what I could do? I've been giving their breeding enclosure extra red grit and...
  6. CascadiaRiver

    Breeding Ice in Pigeons (mix breeding)

    So I've sort of got an interesting breeding plan for this next year, I've found myself with extra damascenes as well as birmingham rollers. My plan this year is to breed an almond (a pure almond, I currently only have a spread almond cock) which should be fairly straight forward, I'm getting a...
  7. CascadiaRiver

    Help Explaining Pigeon Genetics (or genetics in general) to younger kids?

    I'm officially aged out of 4H now but still very close to my 4H pigeon group and will be training to be a youth leader when I get the chance. Our local fair just passed and the judge loved the kid's knowledge but said they could use some work on genetics and colour knowledge. Thats where I...
  8. CascadiaRiver

    New Duck, Won't Stop Quacking

    We just went out about an hour ago to get an Ancona duck to accompany our single silver appleyard duck, but since being out she basically hasn't stopped quacking. Will she quiet down? Should we look into muscovies? Do they quack as loud? Our appleyard only really makes noise when we're playing...
  9. CascadiaRiver

    Something wrong with ducklings feet?

    We have a silver appleyard duckling, between a week or two old who started getting dark spots on his feet? We thought it was bruising maybe from running around the house every once in a while with us, but it seemed uniform? We've never had ducks before and when looking up silver appleyard ducks...
  10. CascadiaRiver

    New to Ducks and need Advice/Help

    Hello! Very recently we have hatched a duck for a friend, it's a regular silver appleyard and we were sort of using it as a test to see if we wanted to raise more and add some ducks to our flock. We have mainly encountered one issue, which is size. When things get bigger they eat more and poop...
  11. CascadiaRiver

    Questions about American Fantails

    My 4H leader is looking into getting a few pairs of American Fantails and I would almost certainly end up with a pair since I have the space, but I know nearly nothing about these pigeons. I am curious about their pose or stance, why their head sits so far back? I've read they can have bad...
  12. CascadiaRiver

    4H Pigeon help, questions on Parlor Rollers?

    I've sort of got a conundrum. I am part of a pigeon 4H group, while we have a few older kids including myself, theres a LOT of kids who are 13 and under, and with things like showmanship, fair, handling your birds and moving your birds, the fact that pigeons can fly becomes a really big issue...
  13. CascadiaRiver

    Conditioning and Cleaning birds for Show!

    I've got a youth show coming up this Saturday and I'd like to learn how you guys condition your birds for the show. I wanna know how and what you clean them with, where you put them before and after cleaning, when you clean before a show, etc. I have both chickens and pigeons and I've done many...
  14. CascadiaRiver

    Goat Newbie searching for Information! :)

    I want to do my research and get extremely well informed before teasing the idea of getting a goat, so bear with me on this long thread. I am a senior in 4H and almost a senior in high school, I've been doing chicken 4H for the last 4-5 years and pigeon 4H for just a year now, I have been...
  15. CascadiaRiver

    Muffed Chinese Owl Question!

    I was gifted two absolutely adorable muffed chinese owls from a pigeon mentor this previous weekend at a pigeon show. I got a dun hen and a black spread cock. The hen has more feathers on her feet than the cock but I'm not certain of the age nor if they just need to grow in from molting so I...
  16. CascadiaRiver

    Lone Quail in the Cold

    I have one remaining quail (named ShitBat cause shes a bit crazy compared to the others we used to have) and shes in the bottom of one of our pigeon lofts. Shes probably about two years now and I'm just really concerned about the cold this year, I understand shes probably kind of spoiled...
  17. CascadiaRiver

    I need help housing my pigeons

    ...want bark dust bottoms if possible, easy to access) -Easy to get in and reach all around -Space enough for them to flap their wings and stretch! *** The reason I have this crazy set up is because my current birds do *not* get along. My first pair (almond hen + blue spread cock) have four...
  18. CascadiaRiver

    Are These Considered Silkies?

    I know they'll never be "true silkies" because they have no "silkied feathers" but here's my conundrum. And its all about my chocolate silkies. Now let me get this out of the way first and foremost, I AM NOT A BREEDER. I do not have a lot of pens of which I separate out my birds by gender...
  19. CascadiaRiver

    Help with Pigeon Colours!

    Here's to hoping someone here might know pigeon colours! The first picture is the cock bird who's colour I am extremely interested in, for a while I assumed Dom. Opal, though he was sold to me as just a "blue" I believe. The second photo is his mate, a Recessive Red Grizzle Hen, I included...
  20. CascadiaRiver

    Pigeon 4H Showmanship?

    Would it be possible to do showmanship with a pigeon? If so what actions do I need to know? I'm in Washington State and I am part of a (mostly chicken) poultry 4H club. I've done showmanship with chickens before and am hand raising a pigeon right now who i in my lap currently. In chicken...
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