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  1. Fortune

    What do you feed your layers?

    Looking for an organic feed, non gmo with no corn or soy or diatamaceous earth. Finding affordable feeds without all the chemicals, corn or soy isn't easy so I think I'm going to stick with buying grains and mixing myself. I tried several crumbles and pellets but they definitely like it when I...
  2. Fortune

    Only 1 of 4 hens laying (2 years old)

    If anyone would like to share their recipes for mixing grains yourself, along with sources that would be extremely helpful for all.
  3. Fortune

    Why can't you feed uncooked rice to your flock?

    That is simply not true. Old wives tale. It just shouldn't be more than 10% of their diet. It has lots of nutrients and they love it....mine love it both cooked and uncooked. I have a bag that is infested with weevils and giving it to them like scratch grains with other grains and they LOVE...
  4. Fortune

    2 year old hens not laying eggs????

    I will let you know when I'm done re-fencing, and getting a higher protein mix going. I really don't think its their food since I'm mixing it myself. I tend to believe its the rat issue. Creeped even me out the first time I went into the coop at midnight and saw them all scurrying and...
  5. Fortune

    2 year old hens not laying eggs????

    I did see it also comes in 23 guage and why I mentioned it should be 19. I'm told they can chew threw the 23 guage.
  6. Fortune

    Can chickens move into a coop that has mice?

    I pick up their food and lock it up in a metal can by 6pm...they get to scrounge till morning so rats or any other interested wildlife won't find anything. Please don't use poison...if you don't bury the poisoned rat right after it dies and something else eats it you introduce poison into the...
  7. Fortune

    Only 1 of 4 hens laying (2 years old)

    I have never used sorghum....don't even know what it is.
  8. Fortune

    Can chickens move into a coop that has mice?

    ratinator works great...if you have mice, you'll have rats...rats are a bigger issue...I'm having to rewire my entire coop with hardware cloth due to rats. I've trapped and killed over 30 so far that I then drown but they never slow down. Its amazing how many wild rats there are. Creepy but...
  9. Fortune

    Only 1 of 4 hens laying (2 years old)

    What do you feed them with? I was mixing my own feed and then switched to an all organic non GMO mixed grain and sine I did that they've all quit laying. What is the best feed? Their first yr I mixed whole oats, corn, flax, green peas, sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and all was well. This...
  10. Fortune

    2 year old hens not laying eggs????

    I'm back and here is an article on reasons they'll stop laying... I think for mine it could be one of three reasons. Its horridly hot and humid here in SE FL right now, I have a rat issue at night, and I switched...
  11. Fortune

    2 year old hens not laying eggs????

    I'm having a no egg laying issue too. I have two Jersey Giants, two Welsummers and one Buff Orpington. Three got broody, then got over it, thought it could be mites or lice but not the case, and now all quit laying. They are fine health wise so I can't figure it out. I have a rodent issue at...
  12. Fortune

    Broody Weirdness

    Once they get broody and then they get over it, how long before they’ll start laying again? I was getting 5 eggs a day and then all but one out of the 5 got broody and now I’m only getting eggs from one! Also, when you have them in chicken jail, how do you know if they’re over it or not...
  13. Fortune

    Broody Weirdness

    Thanks. Now to deal with Dx lice/ is losing feathers like crazy and none are laying eggs.
  14. Fortune

    egg laying stopped...could it be rats?

    actually I think I have both problems at the same time.
  15. Fortune

    Breaking Broody

    I'll have to keep a diary of how my girls react. I have three now that won't leave the box so should I put them in jail together or separate? I don't have three crates so I'd have to rig something up with hardware cloth and 2x4s.
  16. Fortune

    Broody Weirdness

    How do you know when she's broken? Mine are going in and out of broodiness with it only getting worse. Only one is laying eggs! I kick them out but didn't know about crating so they can't nest. Mine just nest in the sand if they have to. How do you crate multiple birds? One at a time?
  17. Fortune

    Broody Weirdness

    I'm going through something similar with my girls and their about 14 months as well. Today I found an egg under my blue jersey who laid outside and when I took it from her she followed me. I laid it down to feed the others and she moved it back to her spot about 3 ft away! She was trying to...
  18. Fortune

    Chicken meds and remedies to have around

    If there are any who care to contribute, please note what meds, herbs, or other remedies you keep on hand for various chicken health issues.
  19. Fortune

    mites and lice what to use and where to get it...and can you use as a preventative?

    I'm having a dilemma with my girls. I have 5 hens all the same age of various breeds and all but one quit laying after they started laying again in late Jan. I first thought it was rats, but killed most of them, but still nothing. Now I'm wondering if it could be mites or lice but I can't...
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