Why can't you feed uncooked rice to your flock?

I had PM about it being a myth
that uncooked rice kills birds
my answer as always is
I never doubted it was a myth
I just never fed chickens rice
because it was too expensive.
but did feed chickens old cooked rice as table scraps
I think the article about wild rice fields is correct
Rice expands with moisture, so they can eat untill they are full, then the rice expands, and well
I'm still trying to figure out why many other birds eat rice but not chickens. We farm 24000 acres. 8000 acres are rice. I've seen deer, pigs, crows, geese, ducks, dove, raccoons and other birds in the fields eating after we harvest.
I'm still trying to figure out why many other birds eat rice but not chickens. We farm 24000 acres. 8000 acres are rice. I've seen deer, pigs, crows, geese, ducks, dove, raccoons and other birds in the fields eating after we harvest.
This thread is from 2009 and full of misinformation, you're not likely to receive a reply from the op.
I'm still trying to figure out why many other birds eat rice but not chickens. We farm 24000 acres. 8000 acres are rice. I've seen deer, pigs, crows, geese, ducks, dove, raccoons and other birds in the fields eating after we harvest.
Majority of Domestic chicken breeds are direct descendants of red junglefowls, and they're native here in Southeast asia. So does rice. They DO eat rice, uncooked, cooked, with the bran, etc etc. Not just red junglefowls, the free range "kampung" chickens, malays, and any other breeds that are ancient breeds, they're definitely eating rice their whole life, without any problem whatsoever. I don't need an answer from a scientific journal to confirm this, i only need to observe my surroundings, and i definitely know something is wrong when i saw a video on YouTube on it. I'm here to see how far the misinformation has spread and i see now that it is under control. Just a reminder, if they had been consuming rice, in their native range, unharmed, for millenia, why should we be questioning it now?
We live in the Republic of Panama and hay/straw is not available here for bedding. We use rice grass and every time the bedding is changed our chickens can't hardly wait to get at it. They love the uncooked bits of rice that is still in the grass. But I'm reading that you should not feed rice unless it's cooked. Mine won't eat it cooked. We have mostly what here they call Patio chickens, which is really just a cross breeding of different Bantums I believe.
That is simply not true. Old wives tale. It just shouldn't be more than 10% of their diet. It has lots of nutrients and they love it....mine love it both cooked and uncooked. I have a bag that is infested with weevils and giving it to them like scratch grains with other grains and they LOVE it.
We live in the Republic of Panama and hay/straw is not available here for bedding. We use rice grass and every time the bedding is changed our chickens can't hardly wait to get at it. They love the uncooked bits of rice that is still in the grass. But I'm reading that you should not feed rice unless it's cooked. Mine won't eat it cooked. We have mostly what here they call Patio chickens, which is really just a cross breeding of different Bantums I believe.
Here is a great article:

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