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  1. UrbanHomesteadTX

    One Dead, more sick! Urgent!

    I'm hoping for advice on how to treat my birds, I have no clue what's going on, but it's come on pretty sudden and I need to do what I can to keep from losing more birds! I went out this evening for the evening routine of feeding and watering my flock, and upon entering my pullet run I...
  2. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Feeding quail, thoughts and opinions?

    Finally made the leap and bought my first Coturnix quail! However, this has so far already proven to be more of a challenge than the chickens were! The internet is loaded with such varied information on quail needs, it's a little difficult to figure out what's right. Everything from incubating...
  3. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Help!! Sudden respiratory distress!

    Two day old chick, we just started transporting it to take it back home after a classroom hatch. After moving it to a box with the others and taking it outside I noticed it flopped over and making gasping respirations. It's just laying opening and closing its mouth with deep breaths. Every few...
  4. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Classroom hatching gone downhill

    I've had several successful hatches at home with my own incubator and eggs from my own chickens, I've thoroughly enjoyed each and every hatch I've conducted! But, Yikes! I am quickly discovering how difficult it is to hatch shipped eggs! My ma is a health teacher for Middle Schoolers, she's...
  5. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Cracked Incubating Egg, Embryo Still Alive!

    It's day 7 today, so I started candling my eggs in the incubator and made the shocking discovery that one of my eggs is cracked! It was almost impossible to see on the shell until I candled it. (I do inspect all of my eggs thoroughly before placing in the incubator. I think the crack may have...
  6. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Breeding Zombie Chickens?

    Alright, gotta admit, this has been on my mind for a while, since I first discovered the existence of the Ayam Cemani x White Leghorn 'Zombie Chickens'! They're such cool lookin critters, I honestly want to try breeding some if I can, just to see what happens! My main question is, does it...
  7. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Hen has Bloody Neck! Did my Rooster do this?

    Hey chicken friends! I'm curious for y'alls opinion on this! I walked out this afternoon to feed and collect eggs and noticed my Brown Leghorn hen with blood soaking the feathers on either side of her neck! I have no idea what could have injured her except for my rooster. My chickens are not...
  8. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Hey Y'all!

    I'm excited to join this community! I've been using this website for quite a while now for information and inspiration, I'm happy to know y'all! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Definitely not completely new to Chickens, but it has been a long time since I was...
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