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  1. KrisCVT

    Chronic coughing hen/exhausted every treatment/heart disease?

    That is on our list. She DOES do this more while laying down or perched but does it in other positions too. Just unsure how to treat- since she is pretty comfortable other than what you see in the video.

  3. Coughing Brahma

    Coughing Brahma

  4. KrisCVT

    Chronic coughing hen/exhausted every treatment/heart disease?

    4 year old Brahma hen. Has been healthy, laying, social, eating, preening. Chronic sneeze/cough since February. No other signs other than recent gasping. I tried: Tylan Fenbendazole Eprinex Revolution Doxycyline Garlic . Had a veterinary visit with an exotic veterinarian in early March. Vet...
  5. KrisCVT

    Flooring for duck pen

    I would scrape the mud, put down a small layer of stone, and cover with 2-3 inches of all-purpose sand. It's the only thing that I can keep somewhat clean/dry/soft for my ducks. I rake it daily- sometimes multiple times a day. I add new bags of sand when needed. When it's winter and the wet sand...
  6. KrisCVT

    Mites in shavings???

    I’m that person that still uses DE in all the cracks and crevices in the coop and does a little dusting on the floor with bedding changes despite the controversial info on it. I felt like it worked for years (almost 6) since I haven’t had this issue before. Still hesitant to do ivermectin...
  7. KrisCVT

    Mites in shavings???

    Thanks! I had used a horse fly spray that I had (Ultrashield EX) that is mostly permethrin on the interior of the coop. But maybe it wasn’t strong enough. It was supposed to have long lasting repellent qualities too so I thought it might have worked. So I’ll definitely try just straight...
  8. KrisCVT

    Mites in shavings???

    Still there. I’m out of permethrin dust and need to buy more. I find mites on some eggs each day- I have a broody chicken currently so I’m assuming she’s a culprit. Weather has been uncooperative (pouring rain now below freezing again) but I’m hoping to clear everything out and retreat this...
  9. KrisCVT

    Mites in shavings???

    Shavings came from Tractor Supply- the flake version in the plastic bag. It’s literally the only kind I’ve used in 6 years of owning chickens. Of course this was the bottom 1/4 of the bag that I used up so I don’t have anything to compare to. The bale was open for less than a month and stored in...
  10. KrisCVT

    Mites in shavings???

    I didn’t even realize I had mites until I noticed some on eggs in the nesting boxes (just milk crates). My normal routine- Poop gets scooped daily, full change of bedding every 10-14 days. I sprinkle DE in the crevices. After finding mites- I checked a couple birds- no one is showing signs other...
  11. KrisCVT


    Are you still looking for a home?? Are they both females?? I am desperately trying to find a new companion (or 2 ) for my drake that just lost his brother. Pets only! I am in MA.
  12. KrisCVT

    Anyone use Revolution (Selamectin) for roundworm?

    I messaged a friend of mine that is an avian vet (perks of being a veterinary technician is that I have lots of vet contacts). She said in theory, Revolution should work for roundworm. It is used often (off label) for external parasites. She said it wouldn't hurt. I might give it a try since I...
  13. KrisCVT

    Anyone use Revolution (Selamectin) for roundworm?

    Found a roundworm in a poop- not sure of the culprit but I have 5 hens so I figure I will treat everyone. Just wondering about Revolution since it treats intestinal parasites in dogs/cats...and I have a bunch of extra doses that I can put to use. My other concern is the rumor of worming with...
  14. KrisCVT

    Angel wing or heavy feathers??

    I did- moments after it was recommended on this thread. It slipped off this afternoon and I had to replace it again once my hubby got home from work to assist. Still unclear on food: stick with Flockraiser???
  15. KrisCVT

    Angel wing or heavy feathers??

    It’s definitely fresh- I nag my local TSC for when their shipments come in, so when I need feed, the date on the bag is only 2-3 weeks old. I fed Dumor with my past ducks (4 years ago) but everyone was switched to flockraiser since (mixed flock of hens, male duck and female duck at that time)...
  16. KrisCVT

    Angel wing or heavy feathers??

    Thanks. Will wrap tonight. I looked at all the food options at Tractor Supply today and nothing seemed to fit. It was either high protein (18% or higher) medicated, or layer. Can anyone recommend an exact brand and formula to look for and maybe have them order for me??
  17. KrisCVT

    Angel wing or heavy feathers??

    Pekin, will be 5 weeks old on Monday. Gets Purina Flock Raiser. Outside free range supervised time 4-8 hours a day. Constantly adjusting this wing and at times it’s sticking out a little but not up. I already bought an 18% food, bought frozen peas, and will keep adding vitamins to water. They...
  18. KrisCVT

    Cull this duckling?? Advice pls

    He passed. I’m bummed. I’ve been nursing this little guy in this egg for days.
  19. KrisCVT

    Cull this duckling?? Advice pls

    No replies to my other posts so in a nutshell: pipped wrong end day 30. Have been slowly helping it hatch. Finally helped it all the way out today (day 32) because membrane was looking dry and duckling very vocal. However- this doesn’t look like this a hernia or prolapse? Any hope???
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