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  1. ruthhope

    HELP !!Duck with infected wound (graphic photos)

    How is your duck doing? Please update us with progress and developments
  2. ruthhope

    My ducks killed a snake!

    One of my drakes killed a rat a couple of years ago
  3. ruthhope

    3 out of 4 ducks died suddenly

    I just added info on Charcoal flushes that you might have missed as it was at the same time you were responding. Usually activated charcoal is in the pharmacy antacid aisle. More info on flushes
  4. ruthhope

    3 out of 4 ducks died suddenly

    It sounds like they have eaten something toxic You might want to do an urgent charcoal flush on the surviving duck. Usually activated charcoal is in the pharmacy antacid aisle. Info on flushes
  5. ruthhope

    Angel Wings

    That is interesting, @Miss Lydia . There are 2 dumped muscovy drakes with angel wing on a retention pond near me. One is lilac and they both appeared together, along with a pekin drake, hence saying they were dumped. I have been planning to catch both drakes when they are coming up to molt...
  6. ruthhope

    Really aggressive Drake- Advice appreciated!

    I have a drake that is very bity bity at the moment. My shins and arms are bruised and blood is frequently drawn. My blood, that is. All my drakes are squabbling amongst each other at this time of year, but 1 bites me incessantly. I hand raised him from 2 or 3 days old and he was with me until...
  7. ruthhope

    Question about Pekin duck

    My son has four 3-year old pekins. Two are little egg laying stalwarts. After their winter break they started laying again and reliably lay daily. One is a very good layer and is still laying most days. One has dropped off laying over the last month and lays about every 3 or 4 days she does...
  8. ruthhope

    How can i tell the gender of my muscovy ducklings?

    I have been wrong too often with Muscovy at that age!!! Muscovy females stop growing around 6-8 weeks when they are about the same size as regular pekins. Muscovy males carry on growing and are noticeable bigger than female clutch-mates by 8 weeks. By 12 weeks everyone knows what they are as...
  9. ruthhope

    Rouen female duck 1 year

    I would inquire of the vet if there is liquid form of the antibiotic as it is much easier to give through a narrow plastic syringe down the side of the tongue. I have never successfully got tablets into a duck, even cut into quarters. I certainly would use calcium gluconate if she is not...
  10. ruthhope

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    Your girl needs "big girl" duck food! You can use duck pellets, or all flock pellets with extra niacin added. When she starts laying -- maybe from 4 or 5 months old, she will need layer feed, with extra niacin if it is chicken layer feed, not duck layer feed. She will enjoy chopped lettuce or...
  11. ruthhope

    Muscovy duck questions

    My muscovy drakes do not create a muddy mess. Their wading pool has to be emptied every 4 days and scrubbed to stop mosquito larvae hatching, but its not muddy. I fish leaves out of the water every evening and it would be usable for more than 4 days if it were not for mosquitoes. But I only...
  12. ruthhope

    Duck attacked by fisher. No skin on neck.

    I am sorry but if she has lost large amounts of full thickness skin, this wound is probably not survivable. That being said, I would certainly be giving her full care in the hopes the wound will granulate and heal from the bottom. That needs there to be no infection and for the duck to be calm...
  13. ruthhope

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    That's a great enclosure. You say the base is concrete. Is the floor concrete? If it is, I would cover with rubber mats or a very deep layer of bedding to protect the ducks feet. Extending over the grass would be great. Alternatively, or temporarily until you extend the enclosure onto grass...
  14. ruthhope

    Normal Duck Behavior??

    My son has a pekin (female not drake) that started pulling her neck down and into her chest when she is stressed. Running round the backyard she is fine, but pulls in her neck and runs away when I go into the back yard. She has known me for more than 3 years l, since she was a little yellow...
  15. ruthhope

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    Yes, please share a photograph. I was in suburban northern Virginia for 11 months last year, with my ducks. They slept in a secure shed and free ranged in a large, fully privacy fenced, backyard. But unlike in my own neighborhood in NE Florida, a mama raccoon with 4 kits, and a red fox started...
  16. ruthhope

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    With a predator that knows you have ducks coming back, be assured the fox (and others) will continue to return while you have ducks. For their safety, your ducks need confining to a predator proof run. They cannot be allowed to free range. You need to construct a run that has a strong frame and...
  17. ruthhope

    Found Duckling

    Domestic or not, that duckling needs care until it is old enough to fend for itself in the wild. Have you looked around outside for its mama and clutch mates? It would be best to get it back there if possible. Otherwise, it needs care until it is 8 or so weeks old.
  18. ruthhope

    Why are my Pekins not friendly?

    Welcome to BYC. Are your ducks going through a phase? Maybe. Are you doomed? I doubt it!! Ducks have personalities and can be fickle. You are doing all the right things to encourage your ducks to be super human friendly. The majority of my ducks are "nosy": they want to be around when I am out...
  19. ruthhope


    I have known many drakes, muscovy and pekin, that have "belched". I think your boy is an extreme example of that. Some duck keepers say that the drakes are adjusting their crops when they do it. Others say that it is male behavior showing off .. I do know that I had a pekin drake that would...
  20. ruthhope

    I need advice

    I am so glad he is doing well. I haven't removed various protrusions from injured bills and they have all done OK. Some wear down into nubs. I had one bill with a sort of knob on it sticking upwards. Various duck-keeper and wild life habilitator friends predicted it would be knocked of, but it...
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