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  1. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Thanks for the response I did order some aprons but they seem to have been lost in transit. The company did refund my money the other day but they don’t have any more available. I guess I’ll try ordering new ones from another source.
  2. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Some of my girls are looking pretty rough. I assume it is just rooster damage and sunburn do to missing feathers but I would like some insight from people with breeding experience. I just want to make sure it isn’t mites or something. I don’t see any bugs or eggs but admittedly my eyes aren’t as...
  3. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Sorry for your loss of Captain Jack. Honestly the way people go off topic in this thread is a big part of why I like this thread. I have tried a few Marans Facebook groups and most of them will totally roast someone for posting an olive egger. I love my Marans but I do keep a mixed flock and...
  4. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    I haven’t had any experience with this yet but the video sure makes it look like an easy fix.
  5. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    That looks like a cockerel. The white feathers on his wings is really common at six weeks old. He should molt out of those white feathers and the grow black ones in their place.
  6. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    But no matter what, Joannie stays, she's not a cull even if I stop using her to breed. Cull simply means you are not going to use her as a breeder. Moving her to the eating egg flock, keeping her as a pet, or a good reliable broody are all perfectly acceptable ways to cull a bird. It doesn’t...
  7. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Are you starting a 3rd clutch of eggs or taking over for one of the broodys?
  8. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Thank you for your reply. His legs are pretty dirty in those pictures. I recently expanded the outside run and I have been waiting for them the eat down most of the grass before adding more wood chips. So when it rains it gets pretty muddy and the chickens love digging up worms when they get the...
  9. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Here are some updated pictures of my boy Axl. Hatch date was June 26 2024 so he is just shy of 11 months old. I know that he is nowhere even close to SOP so I’m using him to breed olive Eggers not Marans. I won’t be offended with a low score and believe me you can’t hurt his feelings he thinks...
  10. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Just some random rambling updates: My olive Eggers are 6 weeks old yesterday. They were hatched out by Gina my jersey giant. She was a great mother for 4 weeks then returned to the roost bar and left them to fend for themselves. She must have taught them well enough because they all did fine...
  11. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    So far my Snow White hasn’t slept in the box yet. She just wants to put up a fight when I collect eggs. Once the eggs are out of sight she finds something else to do.
  12. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Keep your voice down with this broody talk. I have a Light Brahma that doesn’t need any encouragement right now. I’ve had to push her out of the box a few times and I’m trying to annoy her enough that she doesn’t commit.
  13. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    I’m certainly no expert but they look great to me. Bodies look like what I would expect. Leg color looks correct to me. The pictures are a bit fuzzy when I try to zoom in on their eyes but everything I can see looks really nice
  14. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    All those single combs sure make it easy to tell the boys from the girls. Most of my chicks are olive Eggers with pea combs. About 1/2 also have beard feathers so they don’t grow big wattles either. So I’m still guessing on a few of mine.
  15. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Sounds like lots of chicks in your future. Now you need to train the broodys to leg band the chicks at hatch and you’ll be all set
  16. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    If you are ever in my area I can give you some green eggs. Most of my green egg layers are Hoover Hatchery olive Eggers Americana x Cuckoo Marans so they should have one copy of blue gene and 1/2 of the daughters will inherit it and lay green/ olive color eggs. They are all covered only by Axl...
  17. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    That’s the same bird as the first picture of that post. He was first one I had pegged as a cockerel. He has had an attitude since day 1. I’m not sure who the mother is. When My Jersey Giant was ready to sit on eggs and I realized the timing would make of Easter Sunday hatch I gave her 9 green...
  18. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    It’s been a while since I have posted anything to this thread. Mostly because none of my Marans eggs hatched. I did get some olive eggers 5 weeks ago and one BCM X BR to hatch a week ago. It has the head spot so definitely a cockerel.
  19. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    How much feather damage is considered to be normal breeding wear vs overbreeding damage? I have one nine month old cockerel over 15 pullets and hens. A couple of the pullets are looking pretty bare backed. The older girls don’t show any damage but their eggs are fertilized so I know they are...
  20. Tstraub

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    He is the only roo I currently have. I’m not going to cull him over a this one time but I won’t tolerate it for a long time. He is a raging ball of hormones at the moment. He has 15 girls all to himself and 2 of them are getting bare backs from all his attention. I plan to extend the run and...
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