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  • Users: ElGoose
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  1. ElGoose

    Mallard duck with mixed male/female plumage!

    Thought you guys might appreciate these pics, I heard male mallards will shed after the breeding season and look more like females, I managed to snap quite a few pics of this one as well as next to male and female ducks so you can really see the difference 😃 you can kind of see the gradual change
  2. ElGoose

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

    Picked up a girl yesterday as we’d been looking for an adult girl for a while for our gander hissy who’s lost 2 partners in the past (one was taken one was of old age) she’s a lovely buff girl who’s got a lovely temperament, here’s some pics of her on the first day calming down in my lap! I’m...
  3. ElGoose

    Gosling eye looks sore?

    This is one of the new goslings, they’ve had a few issues ever since they came such as being quite tired and sitting down a lot, but getting more active as now they’re eating a lot of grass and peas and lettuce alongside waterfowl feed… though when I look closer it looks like Walter has a sore...
  4. ElGoose

    Is this an ok size for 2 and 1/2 week gosling?

    So Zilla was cleared by the vet and hasn’t had any more leg issues so far but we were advised to get some worming treatment anyway just incase which will be here by Sunday at the latest - I’m mainly just slightly concerned as it feels like she’s not growing very fast and sadly I don’t have her...
  5. ElGoose

    Getting 2 new goslings tomorrow - breed guess?

    I ended up organising to have 2 more goslings since Zilla my current gosling sadly lost her brother recently 😢 I won’t be introducing them directly to the flock just yet but I’ll see how mum and dad geese react when they see them! I’ve just gotten a picture of the 2, I was told first that they...
  6. ElGoose

    Gosling with very concerning symptoms URGENT

    It was really hard to talk about it but one of the two goslings that Polly had hatched passed away shortly after my post asking about his leg issues, I assumed that it was a tendon problem and was going to try take a video, but found him in the shed later passed away 😢 I cried for ages and ages...
  7. ElGoose

    Gosling not walking again :^( what do I do

    This is the same gosling who couldn’t walk last time - I saw in the cameras that a magpie tried to get him and assumed he was in shock but it’s happened again today! Is it possibly a slipped tendon? I’ve seen that’s quite common in goslings apparently but I’m not sure how to treat it :^(
  8. ElGoose

    Gosling can’t walk suddenly

    Really worried as I came outside to check on the goslings only to see that one of them can’t walk. It seems to be one foot that it can’t fully stand on, I’ve checked it all over and I can’t see any injury and he doesn’t flail or act in pain when I touch or move any part of it and it all seems to...
  9. ElGoose

    Gosling breed guess?

    Both of the hatched goslings from Polly have this kind of black/dark marking on their beaks which neither Polly nor Sebastian (Sebastopol/embden) had when they we goslings, so I wonder if our steinbacher goose may be the dad? 😧 but I’m not sure what steinbacher goslings look like! Here is the...
  10. ElGoose

    Goose nest suddenly stinks during hatch

    Polly is hatching some goslings right now, one hatched yesterday but today there is a slightly weird smell that is worrying me :^( it’s not a rotten egg smell though I’m not exactly sure what it is - another egg is hatching and I’m worried it may be that, it seems to be mid hatch and i would...
  11. ElGoose

    surprising first clutch! Anybody else?

    So Polly is broody right now, it’s her first time ever going broody and so far we’ve managed to get her out of the shed every day to clean herself and eat and drink which is great! (Also from a previous thread, turns out her preen gland is totally fine thankfully and her bad feathers are...
  12. ElGoose

    Horrible wet feather and possible swollen gland?

    Not really sure what to do, one of our geese has developed horrible wet feather and no matter what we do it just gets worse 😢 I’ve attempted to clean her in the bath today and it looks like the oil gland might be swollen? I’m not really sure, it still feels a bit oily but the wet feather has...
  13. ElGoose

    Polly has started laying <3 any tips?

    I’ve only ever had experience with hatching via incubator, so I’m new to having a goose that’s laying her own clutch! I figured i should let her do the work, but wanted to know if there’s any important advice that I need to know if I’m letting my goose hatch her own 🥺 she’s only about 10 months...
  14. ElGoose

    Where to advertise free cockerels? (UK)

    I’m looking to rehome our 2 cockerels, we love them but they have been way too aggressive to our older goose and as it’s coming into egg laying season we fear they may break eggs or attack newly hatched goslings 😢 I’m hoping to find a new home for them to go to but not sure where to turn for...
  15. ElGoose

    Ganders fighting over me!

    I have a small flock of 4 geese currently two ganders and 2 females which all usually get along fine. 2 of those 4 we raised from eggs (boy and a girl) and both are very affectionate toward me however now that it’s becoming broody season my girl (Polly) is getting more timid around me and my boy...
  16. ElGoose

    Young seagull (?) injured wing - vets closed currently

    Found an injured young bird that looks like an adolescent seagull - I don’t think the whole wing is broken, it looks like 3 feathers specifically have been injured 😢 we managed to capture it and we’ve taped the feathers with vet wrap just to keep them in a good place. What can we do? It settled...
  17. ElGoose

    Interested in pigeon or dove keeping

    So I’m a poultry gal, I love my geese like no other - however yesterday my friend brought her pigeon with her and we told her it’s fine to come inside and hang out in our room. The issue is - I fell in love with it! I’ve always thought pigeons are cute but this pigeon spent the whole visit on...
  18. ElGoose

    Muscovy ducklings!

    Got 3 Muscovy ducklings recently, does anyone know anything about colouring names and figuring out the sex? I’ve seen people talk about them but not super sure myself. Very healthy and happy so far, surprised to see how quickly they warmed up to me and now they sprint to me and follow me around...
  19. ElGoose

    Very obscure bird server encounter

    Made a thread about a critique made against me in a bird server I joined recently but I’m honestly very shocked right now from the conversation that happened there as it was so hostile and just got more and more obscure until it made no sense ? It went from “hey letting your geese have access...
  20. ElGoose

    Opinion on letting my geese roam a little outside of our garden?

    So ever since they were young, my two bonded geese have had a lot of contact with the land around our garden including the canal and river. They are both very well behaved and come back when called - they are also both very healthy and have never shown signs of disease, the most we’ve had is...
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