Search results for query: quarantine

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  1. C

    Recommend quarantine period for new hens 21 or 30 days??

    Hi, I need some helpful advice on how long to quarantine my new hens? I've done research on this already. Some people recommend 21 days and some recommend 30 days. I'm not sure which one I should do? I bought these new hens on May 9th so I'm counting starting on the 10th so as of today it's been...
  2. A

    Sick duck-previously disabled

    ...her quack is still not fully back. I feel bad having her away from her other 2 sisters and want to know what I should do. Do I leave her quarantined? For how long? How else can I help her get her quack back or walk better? Any ideas and suggestions would be appreciated. Oh also I have given...
  3. O

    Concerned for our rescued hen. she was sick but then again this is a random hen we have no information on so for the safety of the rest of our flock we chose to quarantine her away from the rest to make sure she’s healthy and strong enough before introducing. in the beginning we gave her electrolytes and sprayed...
  4. Pompona

    Please help, chicken escapee returned after 6 months. Quarantine?

    ...and nobody had seen her, so I just assumed a predator caught her, she is really tiny. So, for now I put her in a small cage, because my quarantine area is already occupied by three new pullets I got, who will finish quarantine in a week. The thing is my returned bantam is not really far from...
  5. M

    Last living chick doing great, new chicks coming today. Quarantine?

    Hello! So I posted here last week about 8 of 9 dead chicks from McMurray Hatchery, I've managed to save the last chick and she is now 1 week and 1 day old. She is thriving and very much a pet now, as I have spent a huge amount of time with her and she likes to sleep on my shoulder in my hair and...
  6. ViolentInsides

    New chick quarantine mistake please help!

    ...had no bedding at all, just poop, but they all had very clean food and water trays. So I brought the two chicks home and put them in a quarantine area. I have a single chick, 6 weeks old, that I bought from somebody who didn't vaccinate or feed medicated feed at all. I accidentally put all...
  7. JourneymanSun

    Week 4 of quarantine. White foam Respiratory issues,Round Worms now wattles turning black.

    So I’m having a tough time here. Got this boy four weeks ago. He was in bad shape. I thought he was kept in a pig pen prior to him becoming mine. - First two days -1 week point of his time with me He was riddled with parasites, lice and mites. I started feeding him scrambled egg with...
  8. K

    To quarantine or not to quarantine? Help! this age. (Also, if I isolate, it means I have to move my almost 2 week old babies out with the 4 week old flock to make room for a quarantine brooder and before I did all that I wanted to just be sure. I don’t want the big babies to beat up the littler ones.) Thanks for any and all...
  9. CassieTheChickenTender

    What breed is she? Buff orpington?

    I rescued her yesterday so she's in quarantine. Super sweet girl. A year old.
  10. Mama KK

    Peahen Quarantine

    ...exam was clear but her behavior was off, they treated with antibiotic (5 days in water) and anti-inflammatory (5 days orally). She was quarantined the whole time, she's not eating as far as we can tell and could care less about treats. Took her back to re-check her at end of 5 days, vet says...
  11. Muscovy-palooza

    Chicken sitting yes or no, quarantine, etc

    I have a friend that is battling health issues and is going to be traveling out of town for 3 weeks. She doesn't have the strength and stamina to secure her old dilapidated coop and run before leaving. I offered for her to bring her 6 chickens over with their tractor so we could care for them...
  12. firstimechixmom

    Aggressive Behavior in Recovering Hen

    One of my hens recently endured a horrible flystrike. She is the one in my flock that won't let me touch her, which has been do-able because she's also very food-driven and I could always coax her back to the coop or trick-grab her if needed, etc. She is (was) always the chubby, greedy one of...
  13. EuroChook

    Import Poultry Quarantine Visit

    Just curious----- Im aware that there is a mandatory 30 day quarantine for live poultry imported into the USA. Question: do people get to visit their pet chickens in that time? ------do you know the answer?
  14. G

    Quarantined birds - new flock members

    ...The woman I had gotten the chicks from exchanged the cockrels out for ~15w hens, slightly older than my remaining 3. I have them quarantined now in a separate part of the yard in a temporary coop and run. My question is what exactly do I need to watch for? It is back to being crazy hot...
  15. A

    Fowl pox - how long to quarantine?

    Hi all, One of my chickens recently caught fowl pox and became very poorly. She was sleeping all day every day, not eating or drinking, her comb fell over completely, stopped laying eggs. One of the scabs started in her nostril too and couldn't breathe out of that side as it swelled up. I...
  16. Sliiiq

    Chicken doesn’t like me

    Hey BYC, I’ve got a couple questions. I just had to swap my cockerel out for a pullet. She’s being quarantined. The problem is she, along with the rest of the chickens at the farm I got her at, don’t particularly like human touch. She looks to be about 9-10 weeks old, an ISA brown & leghorn mix...
  17. V

    Post worming respiratory issue? link chickens, 3 weeks ago. 9 days ago 2 started showing respiratory symptoms: wheezing, coughing & sneezing. I immediately separated (quarantined) them in my makeshift hospital, away from the coop & cleaned & disinfected the coop. The other 19 never showed any similar symptoms. The 2 in...
  18. A

    Advice on quarantining a new hen from neighbor

    ...The problem is I also have new baby chicks coming this week and they are going to be in the place where I would normally put a chicken to quarantine. I really don't have a place for the new chicken to quarantine. So my question is..... Is it quarantine if my neighbor has the chicken by...
  19. Redbirdacres

    Two different stores...quarantine?

    We got ducks about 10 days ago from tractor supply. Duck math got to us and today we grabbed 4 more from RP since they were 50% off. They're all similar in size/age. Should I still quarantine them since they came from two different places???
  20. PaisleyChickMama

    Quarantine ducks?

    I’m looking into getting two more ducks for my flock a male runner and a female harlequin mix both a year or 2 old. I already have 7 ducks of various breeds that just started laying. Should I quarantine the new additions before adding to my flock and how?
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