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  • Users: Somshine
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    She's worse than a rooster!

    This is the loudest most obnoxious chicken ever. Nothing wrong with her, she's healthy, eats and poops normal and lays everyday. This is taken from up on the porch so I'm not even close to her. This is how we spend every morning trying to drink our coffee. Because she wants to come out. It's...
  2. S

    Separating babies from Mom

    So my chicken decided she wanted to be a mom. We were almost done with our large coop when I injured my hand and had to have hand surgery. So we're a bit behind. Because of that I've been letting them free range a lot and now I've got nine babies (born yesterday) I don't need. My neighbor said...
  3. S

    Show me some cemani HEN crosses!

    I see a lot but it's always a cemani roo. I want to see mixes where Mom is the cemani!
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    Generally I am pretty good at research and understanding things. But I find the chicken genetics so confusing no matter how many times I read them. I looked through the threads and haven't been able to find my situation. It's always a cemani roo. But I have a cemani hen. I have one swedish...
  5. S

    First time I let a hen...

    sit on eggs. I noticed her eggs missing. They are pink with white speckles so it's noticable. She's collected, I'd say 18 or so. My management has gone down due to surgery and I'm still recovering. I can't break this now. So we're gonna do it. Due on my birthday. I guess I'll just keep her...
  6. S

    2 weeks old ❤️

    18 Happy healthy busy baby chickens
  7. S

    Diet for bebes

    Okay so I've always, since about 2 years in done medicated chick food. But I'm doing some reading on here and I'm understanding how useless that is before they are exposed to the environment it helps with. And it makes sense considering what I already know. So now I'm trying this. I'm starting...
  8. S

    Chick Pix

    3 days old❤️ 18+1
  9. S


    Okay so I had chicks hatch yesterday. One still had an empty yolk sack attached and brownish fluid in the egg. It's definitely not as peppy as the others. I've read this could be an infection? What would the dosage of amoxicillin be for a newborn baby chick?
  10. S

    Old hen?

    I have a 5 something year old OE hen from tractor supply who's really slowing down. She has not laid an egg yet this year. The past few weeks she's been more clingy and hanging around the house and not keeping up with the ranging of the others. But otherwise eating and acting normal. The past...
  11. S

    Need opinions!!

    Ok so on the NR360 I hate the flat bottom. Bowling was AWFUL on first hatch, pretty sure I lost a few due to this who were trying to get out but got exhausted from the best down. Used shelf liner after that and it helped some but not as much as hoped. What do y'all think about this tray WITH...
  12. S

    Sniff sexing?

    Well this is cool. If dogs can smell cancer or insulin fluctuations, can they be taught to sex eggs?
  13. S


    175 lbs of don't mess with my chickens. He's trained to a parameter though. And the chickens are wondering further and further. Lost our first one ever to a predator... hawk. I wish they would stay in the yard and quit wondering down the driveway and into the woods.
  14. S

    Myoplasmosis in eggs

    I'm having a really hard time finding anything on this. Obviously this can be transmitted through a hen to her egg. But I can't find anything on these eggs hatching. If I were to buy eggs and have them shipped (considering) obviously there would be no way to test the eggs. Considering chicks...
  15. S

    How do you know your chickens are healthy?

    I mean of course it's obvious when a chicken is sick. But you hear about these diseases they could carry and that are so contagious and can be carried by wild birds and so on and so on. So what if all your chickens appear perfectly healthy but have something? Seems like having a whole flock...
  16. S

    How cool!

    I guess it's like playing music for babies in the womb. Looks like it really increased hatch rate! Does anybody do this? I think I'm going to try it this time...
  17. S

    Staggered hatch *1egg

    So we had our first hawk attack. One of my favorite girls. I free range them for half of the day and they have started wandering further on the property. Our Pyrenees keeps the yard pretty safe but they are wondering beyond that some now. I started my incubator Wednesday night. Well because she...
  18. S

    Incubator warm up

    I have a lot of questions lol, I like to learn. Another thing I was thinking about was this warm up everybody does with their incubator. So you let it sit there warm up get your humidity and temperature just perfect then you open it up mess all that up put dry room temperature eggs in there and...
  19. S

    Humidity question

    I live in SC and right now temps are cold at night and warm during the day. We don't use HVAC much this time of year. But the humidity here is higher. So our house fluctuates a lot. If I start my NR360 with water in the center the humidity will stay at about 57. If I do dry it fluctuates a lot...
  20. S

    T minus 21

    Here we go!
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