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  1. bhawk-23

    Something you saw a chicken do that made you stop and say, WHAT The Hell?

    I had two black australorps go broody together. I gave six eggs to each. The first hen (#1) decided she was done halfway through so hen #2 had all 12 eggs. When the chicks hatched and were out with mama hen, #1 would call them over for “food”. But once they came she just wanted to peck them all...
  2. bhawk-23

    Urgent limping chicken

    Perfect! Glad to hear she is on the mend.
  3. bhawk-23

    Urgent limping chicken

    Have you been able to inspect the foot and leg? Do you see any swelling, redness or black spot on the bottom pad? Broken nail, cuts? Those are just some basic things to look for.
  4. bhawk-23

    Urgent limping chicken

    Fortunately, after a couple days of rest she is doing well. I do not know what happened but can guess it was a bad jump type thing and just made her sore🤷🏼‍♀️
  5. bhawk-23

    Hen limping

    No rooster here but your guess is most likely correct. I had her inside for 48ish hours and let her back out. Her feet look great and her limp is much better! I have a feeling it was a bad jump or something that caused a sprain/soreness. A bit of rest and she was good to go I guess.
  6. bhawk-23

    Urgent limping chicken

    How did the limping sort out? I also have one limping but cannot find any specific source and she is eating/drinking well.
  7. bhawk-23

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Just a note about contacting state vets. In Illinois they are VERY strict about diseases. I called about a necropsy for a bird that passed and they showed up in hazmat suit and bagged her. It was my son’s favorite girl and we were quite shocked. They wanted to test for avian influenza. I use...
  8. bhawk-23

    Mycoplasma what to do

    @Wyorp Rock @aart @azygous Please correct me if I’ve gotten any of my information wrong!
  9. bhawk-23

    Mycoplasma what to do

    If you would like to treat her with doxycycline separately and then the flock with Tylosin I don’t see harm in this. I would not treat her with both meds though. For us the eggs were a bit odd shaped during the infection and now randomly a couple will show up. I treat the whole flock every...
  10. bhawk-23

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Has mycoplasma been confirmed by a test? Tylosin in the water 5-7 days has worked well for us. I treat the whole flock at once because if one has it then they all have it. Adding in some molasses, juice, or the like to help cover the smell is suggested. I also use it to make mash because they...
  11. bhawk-23

    Is this what I think it is?

    Great to hear! Sounds like you are doing well:)
  12. bhawk-23

    Is this what I think it is?

    Has she pooped yet? And is she able to get food and water down sufficiently with her head hanging so low?
  13. bhawk-23

    Hen limping

    Silkie limping for 2 days. Brought her in last night to wash and clean up for better examination. Right foot: This is the one that is sore. It might have a tiny faint black dot which could be suspicious. Early stage bumblefoot? I also noticed a loose feather near the underside. Does not appear...
  14. bhawk-23

    Adjusting to the new setup

    So they wore me down. I’m gonna let them free range when I’m home and keep them fenced when we are not. We moved a raised bed they use to all preen on after a long day and wouldn’t you know they were quite content inside the fence once it was moved in with them. I will use it to grow grass...
  15. bhawk-23

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Thank you so much for this! In all fairness I think the pallets I had found were crappy. But I’ve found a local shop that sets beautiful pallets outside for the taking and it’s crossed my mind again to try.
  16. bhawk-23

    Update on my pet duck about water belly

    You loved him dearly and did your absolute best with the knowledge you had. That is what counts. The heartache that comes with the loss of a special pet is intense. I’m so sorry :hugs
  17. bhawk-23

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I have access to free pallets but tearing them apart is my issue. Do you have a method, outside of prying every single piece apart with a hammer, to get the job done? We’ve done pallet projects in the past and I love the free wood and keeping more out of landfills but hubs prefers to just get...
  18. bhawk-23

    Adjusting to the new setup

    Yes, I was concerned about the grass clippings. We had one surgery for impacted crop a few years back so…. We have a large leaf compost area that occupies them slightly. I will toss a few treats (dried meal worms, scratch etc) or dig holes to get them scratching. My hubs is considering...
  19. bhawk-23

    Adjusting to the new setup

    I’m bumping this up just to be sure no one has any other suggestions to tone down the stress and squabbling. I’m researching fodder and/or growing grass in raised beds covered with hardware cloth. If anyone uses these methods successfully, or had issues, I’d love to know. Thanks!
  20. bhawk-23

    Adjusting to the new setup

    Hello, I have reconfigured our set up to be more predator deterrent and provide a kid/family friendly yard for us to enjoy. Unfortunately, at the cost of the girls’ access to the entire yard. They have always had access to the whole yard. It’s been maybe 12ish weeks and I’ve lost one (I believe...
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