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  1. M

    Will a egg that gets wet....still hatch?

    Thanks for the reply...I'm like you :) I will probably let her set for awhile longer...She's one of my favorites I hate to take the egg...and I've turned off the sprinkler to the tree
  2. M

    Will a egg that gets wet....still hatch?

    Quick question....just found my white peahen sitting on a single egg under a tree in my backyard...problem is the sprinkler has come on and the egg has a small puddle of water around wet eggs hatch?...she's still sitting on it ? Thanks for any reply
  3. M

    Missing Guinea

    Thanks for your reply...just upset because I raised them from keets
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    Missing Guinea

    Hi...I'm in California desert. Not too many predators. We have crows and I've seen a small size hawk. But that's about it. If a hawk got it wouldn't there be feathers? body parts? That's why I'm thinking stray cat?
  5. M

    Missing Guinea

    Missing Guinea? Noticed yesterday, that I'm missing one of my Guineas.I've walked around my fence...and nothing? No feathers/body ? Nothing? Tried calling and nothing? I had 5...They're around four months old, and are pretty good size. Could a stray cat have got it?...I'm puzzled because of it...
  6. M

    Permanently broody peahen?

    Thank you !
  7. M

    Permanently broody peahen?

    Hi...I saw this post, so I hope you don't mind me asking. I have a peahen that is sitting on 3 eggs...30 days was up on Aug 20th...give or take a day long should I let her sit? I keep hoping one will hatch? Is there a way to tell if they are still alive?
  8. M

    Can I move the eggs?

    Thanks...I'll try that!
  9. M

    Can I move the eggs?

    Thanks I'll try permethrin...does it matter what strength? I found some on Amazon.
  10. M

    Can I move the eggs?

    Can I move the eggs ....from a peahen that has already been sitting? Where she decided to make a nest....there are black ants all over. When I check on her every morning ,she has black ants crawling on her. Can I move them, and will she still sit on them if I do ?
  11. M

    Re shuffle housing for Peacocks

    Re-shuffle housing for Peacocks question? I have a Male Pied 2-3yrs old alone in a large enclosure. Kept him in there for breeding but he's been losing his tail feathers... One Peahen with 2 Peachicks 2-3 months old in a small enclosure... Can I house them together? Will the Male hurt and...
  12. M

    Help! Peahen unable to stand

    Thanks for your reply! I will keep giving her CG. I'm not familiar with SQ?
  13. M

    Help! Peahen unable to stand that her wings are still really droopy? Do you think she may have another egg bound? I was able to give her some water with a syringe. She isn't eating as far as I can tell? What else can I do? Thanks for your time. * also it seems like she has runny poop? is this normal for the situtation?
  14. M

    Help! Peahen unable to stand

    Peahen unable to stand...She was fine this morning, eating and visting on the back porch. My husband went out 4 or 5 hrs later and found her laying down on her side unable to stand. We checked to see if she is egg bound, and couldn't feel anything. She layed an egg yesterday, and seemed fine...
  15. M

    Male being very aggressive towards hen...what to do?

    Yes...She sat on eggs last year, but it was late in the season, so nothing hatched. So, I'm hoping this year!
  16. M

    Male being very aggressive towards hen...what to do?

    Thanks for all your replies...quick update I have moved the Hen to a separate pen...with her 2 eggs, and found she layed another egg. She seems to be doing much better, and happier now:thumbsup
  17. M

    Male being very aggressive towards hen...what to do?

    Thank you for your reply....since posting this I have moved the hen to a separate pen to let her heal
  18. M

    Male being very aggressive towards hen...what to do?

    Just have the Male Pied and White Hen together...but since posting this...I have separated the Hen to another pen....Thank you for your reply
  19. M

    Male being very aggressive towards hen...what to do?

    Thank you for your reply...I've moved the hen to a separate pen...hopefully she'll heal
  20. M

    Male being very aggressive towards hen...what to do?

    Any help would be appreciated and thank you in advance...I have 2 questions... 1st question is how many times does a Male have to mate with the Hen for the eggs to be fertile? One of my hens has started laying (2 eggs so far) is that enough or does she need to be mated more than once? 2nd...
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