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  1. TexasBlues

    WARNING: Cackle Hatchery

    Trucks don’t have the capacity for sensation or feeling, life or death. But… sorry to hear about your truck 🔥
  2. TexasBlues

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Magic is a Whiting True Blue cockerel. He gets about 10 foot up on this old pen and surveys his yard.
  3. TexasBlues

    Should I handle baby chicks?

    I hand feed them in the brooder to get them used to moving towards my hand. When I feed them I call out “here chicky chicky” and they quickly catch on. As they munch on the food I will pick them up and gently set them down to get them used to being handled.
  4. TexasBlues

    Whiting true blue deformity

    Are you sure it’s a whiting true blue? It looks a little different.
  5. TexasBlues

    Should I handle baby chicks?

    IMO I appreciate being able to pick up a chicken without having to chase it or use a net. That trust is built over time. It’s best to build that relationship early as possible in their development.
  6. TexasBlues

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    My pullets have been laying since mid March and the eggs have faded some and the speckles have increased. This one is from my lighter of the 2 marans.
  7. TexasBlues

    Brooder in coop?

    I take that back, mine were only 2 weeks old when I let them into the main coop. You can use a bucket with nipples if you are concerned about a mess.
  8. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Here’s some of the chicks foraging by the coop. I have atleast 5 males. Some of the dark ones are getting silver on their hackles. I’ll need to start finding homes for the cockerels real soon.
  9. TexasBlues

    Brooder in coop?

    Should be fine. I let my latest chicks into the coop with the main flock around 3-4 weeks.
  10. TexasBlues

    Are brown leghorns non-industrial?

    If you find any good ones in Texas, let us now.
  11. TexasBlues

    Are brown leghorns non-industrial?

    I found the experience of the forums is better when I put the ppl on IGNORE that consistently and confidently make incorrect claims.
  12. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Thanks! I like her body type and the beetle shine on her feathers . I’ve read that the SOP says they have to have bay colored eyes. She has these greenish light melon colored eyes. She’s one of the few chickens that jumps up in my lap every day. Edit: she just jumped a gave me a good picture of...
  13. TexasBlues

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    No. You might be over complicating this situation. It is natural for chickens to be outside, in living soil, eating rocks, scratching and dust bathing. They will do this as soon as it is available.
  14. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Thanks! I have a small flock of 5 whiting true blues and 2 black copper marans pullets. Also with 14 chicks, most are Easter eggers and some are pure black copper marans. I plan to keep all the pullets from this last hatch and then in the fall I should have around 13 layers and 1 rooster.
  15. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Thanks! He’s a whiting true blue and she is a black copper marans. They’re both under a year old.
  16. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    It looks like it’s a cockerel. If anybody’s interested in him, I’m in central Texas and you can have him, I wasn’t planning on keeping any of the males from this group. Check out the attitude in the video. Ever see a pullet act like that?
  17. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Here’s another partial fibro chick. Seems to be the only one with a single comb. He sorta has that mulberry color comb/earlobe. Good looking Black Cooper Maran cockerel @wrathsfarm I think he might be the only one. The others have dark or pale combs. This barred chick came labeled as a Marans...
  18. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I’m just going out on limb here. I think it will be all white. I’ve seen pics of Zombies and they are a cross of white leghorn and all black ayam cemani. They usually have some black feathers mixed with the white. This all white chick is from I believe a multi generation fibro olive egger so...
  19. TexasBlues

    At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

    The grit isn’t for the dust bath. It is used to aid digestion. I sprinkle chick sized grit into the chick crumble at feed time. The earlier the better. Using grit improves digestion and feed efficiency. Studies prove that grit fed chicks significantly out perform control groups in growth...
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