Search results for query: "bachelor flock"

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  1. Rock17

    Your advice on my Ayam Cemani Roo

    My first advice is to rehome him or form a bachelor flock
  2. uisceros

    Serama Bachelor Flock

    Hi all, I recently hatched out six serama chicks (offspring of one of my beloved roosters who passed away) and while obviously I was expecting cockerels, I ended up with four of them! I love roosters, and plan on keeping them all, but since this is my first experience with a bachelor flock, I...
  3. O

    Bachelor flock

    Me and my partner are starting a rooster flock with 8 roosters. We think that there wont be much fighting (except for pecking order) because there will be no hens there. But what do you think? Is it a good idea to have 8 roosters together?
  4. dreamofwinter

    Bachelor flock

    For those successfully keeping a bachelor flock - how tolerant do you find you need to be of fighting? My three boys are going through a phase where they want to (and often have) beat each other bloody. Just comb and wattle wounds, but we all know how those bleed! I don't see a defined bully in...
  5. J

    Mating Ducks/Agression

    just staying with a bachelor flock for now! does the mounting get better outside of mating season or is it continuously like this?
  6. JKay98

    Rooster Flock Thread

    I am wondering if I could raise both sexes of geese in a bachelor flock? Will the roosters' hormones get triggered by a female goose?
  7. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Oh my! I'm laughing hard at this 🤣 about the bachelor flock party and Mr Goober's giggles :lau
  8. T

    Bachelor flock

    I have no direct experience, but I've heard that is true from a YouTuber with a bachelor flock and an egg layer flock. Take that for what it is worth. I haven't seen the bachelor flock, but here is his egg layer YT channel that runs 24hrs/day. I don't...
  9. alinas2010

    Growing my little flock

    They do seem like a handful some days! But I always think it’s admirable when people can keep a bachelor flock. It’s not their fault they’re born male and full of hormones, so I think they at least deserve a chance :)
  10. fluffycrow

    Breeding Questions

    So you will keep them in a bachelor flock, and then take one out to breed (for how long?) And then put them back?
  11. H

    Can I swap out roosters with my flock?

    i’m look for certain crosses cause i want ee but then also purebreeds
  12. DonyaQuick

    Growing my little flock

    Roos are totally hard mode like everyone says, at least standard sized ones sure are, but I do love 'em. I think my husband wondered for a while what insanity I'd fallen into trying to do a bachelor flock, since basically all of my roos/cockerels went through a husband-biting phase, but I think...
  13. alinas2010

    Growing my little flock

    Great writing! I am really enjoying following your journey to growing your flock. I don’t have any roosters, only because we’re not allowed to in the city. Someday I would love to have a bachelor flock though. Until then, I’ll have to just follow along and live vicariously through you!
  14. Canadian Wind

    Mating Ducks/Agression

    Kathi is correct, two hormonal drakes going after chickens is a recipe for disaster. So long as their needs (other than procreation!) are met, and they aren't fighting, they'll be fine. Will you be getting them some females, or just stay with a bachelor flock for now?
  15. aart

    Can I swap out roosters with my flock?

    Why not just leave all but one male with the bachelor flock? Are you wanting to hatch certain crosses?
  16. Strawberry74

    Mare's Illegal Cute-ness (Call Duck) Chat Thread!!

    I have a soft spot for the boys, ducks and roosters, because they are always the ones no one wants. They are so beautiful and quiet (well maybe not the Roo's). I would think more people keeping ducks for fun would prefer them in a little bachelor flock. I definitely have too many boys in the...
  17. MS_pond

    Sexing almost-five-week-old muscovies

    I kept this sweet handsome boy, named Mr. T. The other five went to be their own bachelor flock with a friendly fellow I met at a flea market. Probably the best I could do for them. I hope they live long happy lives.
  18. janiedoe

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I think that is wonderful of you. I'd love to see some photos of your bachelor flock if you have time to post them. Good luck with your evil silkie!
  19. Jenbirdee

    Nice to meet you everyone!

    hello! your introduction is lovely. i hope it will work out for you to have your bachelor flock 👍🏼 welcome to BYC!
  20. N

    Khaki Campbell - 5 weeks old

    *i should add that their sex matters in how we are building their run. The Pekins live with my chickens right now but all of the ducks will move to a separate duck run in a few weeks. I’d really like to keep a bachelor flock but if there are hens here I may have to keep the drakes separate...
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