We just got into poultry this spring, almost accidentally we started raising quail: a borrowed incubator and some shipped eggs. Now we have a small breeding flock, are raising our own eggs and chicks, and have even sold a few. As this was a 4-H project and a 12 year old was ‘in charge,’ not to...
Coturnix Quail (like most domestic poultry) are slobs, between dust bathing, waterers, scratching, and feces they make a big mess which is one of the biggest issues in poultry keeping: how to keep pens dry and clean without going nuts. How to minimize smell and adverse health effects of...
Have you ever cut open a sick or dead bird only to discover you don't know what 'normal' is? You can't diagnose pathology if you can't tell what is abnormal. Here's a labeled photo diagram of what a normal young adult laying coturnix quail hen looks like from the dorsal (top) view. The spine...
This information is not a substitute for proper medical care! It is only meant to be used in emergency situations where appropriate medical care cannot be obtained in a timely fashion, but if you can tie a knot or sew a little, you can learn to suture. A common needle and thread or fishing...
Quail eggs are very difficult to candle, especially for a beginner who probably doesn't own a really good candler, but most people own a phone that just happens to have a decent light source. This is a guide for the beginner for what is normal for developing coturnix quail eggs candled with a...