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  • Users: meggers38
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  1. meggers38

    6 week old chick being picked on

    Hey there, I have six week old chicks that seem to be picking on one in particular. She has blood on the side of her face, and others seem to be packing at her. Since she's so young I'm concerned about isolating her that she won't get enough warmth. What would you guys do? I do have a hen who...
  2. meggers38

    Funky fermented feed

    Hello everyone, I have started my first batch of fermented food for my chickens. It's on day 4 and the smell is a little yeasty...and a little funky. It's part feed, part corn, part oats. I'm not convinced that it hasn't gone bad, there isn't a lot if fermentation happening and I did neglect to...
  3. meggers38

    Egg size may vary...

    So, we have an interesting egg collection today. Thoughts? For perspective, the egg on the right is our average size, the other two are not what we normally see. Plus there's yolk on it and I can't see any breakage in the nesting box. Reasons? I also have a chicken who who has been laying eggs...
  4. meggers38

    Azithromycin for chicken with possible egg rupture? pics inluded

    Hello everyone, I posted earlier about a chicken that I believe was egg-bound and it burst. I have been giving her calcium citrate for the last few days and saw a yellowish discharge today. So, I was encouraged to give her amoxicillin. I do not have any, nor can I find it. I was trying to...
  5. meggers38

    Is this the right kind of calcium?

    Hello there, I have a chickipoo that I believe is egg bound. She is lethargic and lays down sometimes, and is then up, eating and moving other times. In case she is egg bound, I ordered some liquid citrate. I got it today, and it says it also has magnesium. Is this going to be olk for her...
  6. meggers38

    Chickens won't eat layer feed

    Hi there everyone, Just wondering if you could suggest reasons why my chickens are not wanting to eat their feed. I give them 20% laying pellets and also some cracked corn. A couple times a week I give them fresh veggie scraps, some oatmeal, bananas, or some meal worms. Mostly they just get...
  7. meggers38

    No eggs for me!

    Hello, I am wondering if you can help me understand why I still have no eggs from my chickens. We got this group of 15 chickens in late summer, and about late October a good majority of them started molting. We haven't had more than 2-3 eggs a day since then. Now we are down to 1 egg a day...
  8. meggers38

    A shunned hen

    Hello there, it's been some time since I posted and since we have had a flock of chickens. We recently purchased a mixed flock of 15 hens, no roosters. They are all around 1 year to 2 years old and seemed absolutely fine when we first got them. Then we noticed there were two hens who were...
  9. meggers38

    Moving chickens into a used coop

    Hello there, we are in the process of moving and taking our chickens with us. The place we are moving has an existing coop that hasn't had chickens in it for 2 months. We plan on disinfecting it, but is there any other precautions we should take? Is 2 months long enough to move another small...
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