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  1. outdoorschick91

    Comb Color Change and Molting

    Hello all!! I am fairly new to chickens, I had had my girls for a little over a year and a half now, and am having issues with one of my girls. She is a buff orpington and I am assuming that she is molting because she lost a lot of feathers around her head & neck. I had read somewhere to give...
  2. outdoorschick91

    Hen still not laying, Help! :(

    My red-sex link hen is around 27 weeks old now and still hasn't started laying yet, should I be concerned? I feed her and my other hens Purina Chick Start because I was told to feed them that until they have started laying. Also her comb had turned a much brighter red color which I also read can...
  3. outdoorschick91

    Little hen being bullied. NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!

    I have 4 hens, none who are laying eggs yet. I have a red sex-link, 2 buff orpingtons, and a silver-laced wyandotte. The 2 buffs and the red sex-link get along fine in the coop and are close in age, the SLW is like half the size of the others (around 10 weeks old). I introduced the SLW to the 2...
  4. outdoorschick91

    5 week old chick found stuck to mouse trap

    We have a 5 week old SLW chick currently in a homemade brooder in our garage. This is because the older chickens outside are too big and previously tried to hurt the poor chickie. The one problem is that this chickie loves to fly, so much that she broke right through the brooder cover (which had...
  5. outdoorschick91

    Broken Beak

    I recently bought a 12 week old Golden Sex-Link from a local poultry farm and she has a broken beak. It seems to be the tip of her upper and lower beak and is a bit discolored on the upper portion. I am new to the whole chicken thing and wanted to know if beaks grow back/regenerate at all and if...
  6. outdoorschick91

    4 week old on the way, too young to join the others?

    I just ordered a 4 week old silver-laced wyandotte chick from Mc Murray Hatchery. At the moment I already have two 10 week old buff orpingtons and one 14 week old golden buff. It has been in the 80's and 90's here in Rhode Island so I don't think it is chilly out at all. They have a big enough...
  7. outdoorschick91

    To TREAT, or not to TREAT?

    I am fairly new to the whole raising chicken thing and right now I have 2 buff orpingtons around 8 weeks old. At the moment I am feeding them Purina chick feed because the man at the grain store said they don't need adult food until they are ready to lay. I have heard so many mixed messages...
  8. outdoorschick91

    Chickens taken in the night

    I had come home from a hiking trip to only 2 survivors of an overnight attack. My lavender orpington and autralorp were taken and the only evidence of them was some black feathers scattered all across the yard. We live in Rhode Island and there are tons of foxes, racoons, and fischer cats in...
  9. outdoorschick91

    Hello! :)

    Hello everyone! My name is Allie and I am from Rhode Island. My boyfriend and I have always been into outdoor activities and hobbies like hiking, kayaking, gardening. Now a new addition to the list is raising chickens for eggs and for the feathered friends. We are very new to this but I have...
  10. outdoorschick91

    Ants in the Garden, HELP!

    I have never had an ant problem in the past but for some reason this year it has become quite a big problem. I saw on pinterest to use cornmeal because after they eat it they die because they can't digest it, but that has not seemed to work. I am looking for a method that will work but that will...
  11. outdoorschick91

    Chick livin' on the edge

    My 2 week old Lavender Orpington chick has discovered her wings starting to form. Every time I go over to the side of the brooder she tries to fly out, to the best of her ability. I just hope she doesn't hurt herself in the process. So for the time being I have made a little ramp up to a perch...
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