We have about 90 Americana/EE that have been laying 2 months.
These are healthy birds that have been vaccinated.
1-9 hens for $12 each
10+ hens for $10 each
you can email me
we also have RIW's, buff orpingtons, barred rock and RIR's the same age
I have 12 Rhode Island White hens (laying 60 days)and a young breeding age Rhode Island Red roo. $200 for all
This is the cross for those great egg laying machine Red Sex Links.
I have a really nice Dominique hen. This is her first time to go broody. I will sell her for $20 or am interested in hatching eggs, wellsummer or maran or black java.
She has been trying to nest a couple of days and started clucking today.
I have recently purchased a trio of cornish. When I look at pictures to distiguish the color/pattern the pics I see of the jubilee matches. The problem is when I try to find them at hatcheries they only show the white laced red and the color always looks too dark to match my trio.
I'll take...
She is fullblood but I don't know what.
I've posted a closeup so you can see the speckeled breast and the thinly laced wing and back.
Thank you all for pondering this for me.
Okay, you guys. I haven't been able to come here as often as I would like. I've been here enough to know this is the place to come for this type of needed help.
I have a lovely pullet that came straight from the hatchery. I received a variety of breeds and color patterns.
This one I...
I have one black langshan pullet ready to lay. She is big and healthy, vaccinated.
Edited to remove phone number:
From the BYC rules:
8. Do not post overly personal information like your phone number, address, age (especially if you are a minor) or any other personal info you don't want the...
I was a little zealous. This winter when I didn't have a hen laying I became desperate. I now have too many ready to lay pullets.
RIR, buff orpingtons, barred, lace wyandottes.
Some of these are already laying the others combs are starting to brighten.
$12 ea.
Aubrey, Texas
30 mi. NE of Dallas...
I just found this forum and I am looking forward to visiting often. I am just a farm "girl". I've always had horses in varying disciplines. For the last 25 years my husband and I have mostly been breeding, buying and selling horses. Throughout that time we've always had laying hens and most...