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  1. csaylorchickens

    What breed is this?

    Got these girls today unknown breed
  2. csaylorchickens

    We got a mini lop rabbit

    My son wanted an animal for his room. My husband and I have our cat, I have my chickens, my older son has his own cat. I didn't want to add another cat and my husband said no to a dog so we got a mini lop rabbit. She is adorable! I got a huge cage for her and we let her out two hours a day or...
  3. csaylorchickens

    Rehabbing a hen unable to walk etc

    I went on vacation for a week and came back to a sick hen with fly strike. I dunno how long she was sick, she weighs practically nothing, light, boney, even her breast bone is poking and reddened almost like a deep tissue injury. I cleaned her vent, luckily I caught the flystrike early enough...
  4. csaylorchickens


    I was gone for one week at my dads. My friend was in charge of animal care and did a great job! I came home and it was time to clean the coop and run out. I noticed one hen looked sick, her comb was dusky. I grabbed her, she was very thin, and had a large hard foul smelling poop clump on her...
  5. csaylorchickens

    Integration 11 week olds

    I currently have a flock of five grown hens that are 3 years old and 2 years old. I have two Easter Egger hens and one Easter Egger rooster. They are 11 weeks old I have kept them in separate cages but by each other for the past 3 weeks. I try to have them free range together but they would all...
  6. csaylorchickens

    Ok, here is hen or rooster at 7 weeks or so

    I'm thinking rooster. I contacted dare to dream farms they will exchange him back. I wish I could keep him. He jumps into my lap, follows me around, and he is beautiful! :( I'm 0.4 acres shy of being able to have a rooster. My other easter egger hens are colored beautiful as well. Has a bit of...
  7. csaylorchickens

    Easter egger hen or rooster?

    My chicks looked about 1 week old when I got them. I believe they are now 5 weeks old. Two have feathered out nicely so far but one is seriously delayed in feathering. I fear this is a rooster not a pullet. I tried to get good pics. It acts like a rooster as attitude is seriously there. But I...
  8. csaylorchickens

    Transition from brooder to coop

    I currently have 5 adult hens. I just got three easter egger chickss. Before, I had a transition coop next to my big coop. This idea was perfect. I could allow them to mingle in the large run but they had their own spaces. The chicks got used to the hens and got used to the chicks. They would go...
  9. csaylorchickens

    Not new but I'm back!

    I have had chickens going on 4 years this year. I have one salmon faverolle that is 4. I originally had 4 salmons but 3 have died due to heat. I never would have chosen that breed I was supposed to get sex links! But I did and do love them. I live in california where suppoedummers are 100 to...
  10. csaylorchickens

    two dead hens in a matter of 3 days

    it has been hot here in cali. mean like 100 to 108. i know that chickens are not heat tolerant. put a fan out, have sheets with water on them over the run and coop. i use ice in their water. i have now found two dead in the past three days. No warning at all. One was found under the...
  11. csaylorchickens

    What's considered healthy?

    My girls all get layer crumble. I give heads of cabbage, grapes, and sometimes goat cheese or spinach. I was told to limit treats due to layer feed being enough. How much is a healthy amount? I'll put the head of cabbage in the run so they slowly peck at it and grapes or spinach 5 days a week.
  12. csaylorchickens

    Help my queen Mrs piggy is filling up with fluid!

    I got home today and let the girls out. Queen Mrs piggy has been molting, or that's what it appears to be the problem. She has been shedding her tail feathers for the past 2 weeks. Today I noticed her perineum is bulging and filled with fluid. Last time this happened to a hen, she died from...
  13. csaylorchickens

    Switching to layer crumble?

    I have 4 faverolle hens that are 1 1/2 years old and 6 buff orpingtons 16 weeks old this next saturday. I just ran out of feed. Can I go ahead and buy layer crumble when they are 16 weeks? I switched my whole flock to chick crumble and I'm dying to go back to layer crumble. It costs like 20 more...
  14. csaylorchickens

    Ways to keep insects and pests off your garden

    So something has been eating my garden I don't know what it is I noticed that we do have a lot of pincher bugs around but I also noticed this somewhat large black beetle that was living underneath my potted plants. I decided to put my strawberries and potted plants in my artichokes that way in...
  15. csaylorchickens

    Spinach leaves nibbled by insects

    So this is my first time growing spinach this year. I was not aware that you need to harvest the spinach before it bolts just like broccoli or cauliflower and I ran outside and realize that my spinach plant started bolting so I started pulling all the leaves off around it and I noticed that a...
  16. csaylorchickens

    Lots of questions! Cantaloupe question

    I was just reading on cantaloupe. I planted a lot of cantaloupe plants and now that the weather is very hot they are blooming like crazy and spreading which is wonderful. I was reading that the female flower has the flu and the male flower has the pollen and just like zucchini beans need to land...
  17. csaylorchickens

    Help 11 week old with string wrapped around tounge!

    I went out to the coop to turn the fans off and I noticed that one of the buff orpington chicks was sitting inside the coop painting with a piece of string hanging out her mouth. Just two days prior I noticed she had a long piece of grass stuck in her throat and I pulled it out and that was the...
  18. csaylorchickens

    Ways to cool.the coop and run

    I ordered 3 small o2cool fans and they finally came today! I attached them to the roost pools and directed them to the nest boxes Any other ideas to beat cali heat I'd appriciate
  19. csaylorchickens

    Random egg found on ground?

    I have four chickens that are over a year old now. They all kind of went through a mini molt when they are around 9 months not a full-on molt. My lead hand my biggest hen looks like she is molting right now. She has lost a lot of feathers. I also have 6 Baby Buff orpingtons with them and they...
  20. csaylorchickens

    Integration so far successful!!

    I have four 1 1/2 year old faverolles and 6 9 week old buff orpingtons. I have been slowly introducing them with free ranging together and housing them close to eachother. Well I took a plunge and put them all together at dusk in the coop and the last two days have been touch and go but only...
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