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  1. cluckcluckhens

    Hi everyone hope this is the way to make a post

    I have a question ? My senior Wyandotte had a problem getting up off the ground in the run two or three days before the end of February. I told hubby about her so he would know. Anyone know why she was having a hard time getting up off the ground in the run? She finally got up and went into...
  2. cluckcluckhens

    Baby Chicks Do Not Look Like Golden Laced Wyandotte?

    We picked up two chicks on Thursday of last week at 10-14 days old. Today my hubby says they do not look like the GLW that we picked up back in 2012. They are both doing fine. Experts chime in. In the mean time I will look at our senior Hen from 2012 when she was a chick in October of 2012...
  3. cluckcluckhens

    It seems that there are more male chickens hatching this year than normal

    It seems that there are more cockerel chicks hatching this year than normal. In terms of humans, when there are an abundance of baby boys born it signal the possibility of war. Now we are not talking about humans, we are talking about chickens. But what does it tell you when there is more...
  4. cluckcluckhens

    I Believe one of my Welsummers is not a Pullet!

    We have eight chicks that we got on May 11 of this year. I have been watching one of them grow taller, taller comb, confronting another chick by hitting it with its chest, standing straight up at a young chick in pictures I have been taking. Also it does like to stay by itself allot during the...
  5. cluckcluckhens

    Lost two hens and Rooster not walking just scooting

    Here is what happened within the last three weeks. I had a little lady Australorp Hen that was being pecked on last summer through fall and winter up until three weeks ago. so, she stayed away from the others as much as she could until she starting staying on top of the old hen house and would...
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