I Believe one of my Welsummers is not a Pullet!


8 Years
May 4, 2015
We have eight chicks that we got on May 11 of this year. I have been watching one of them grow taller, taller comb, confronting another chick by hitting it with its chest, standing straight up at a young chick in pictures I have been taking. Also it does like to stay by itself allot during the day in the run.

I think it is going to be Rooster but need someone that knows for sure. It sure looks like one.
Welsummers were purchased on May11 which at the time were two weeks old. As of today they are 9 weeks and three days old. In four days they will be 10 weeks old.

Lets see what you all say!




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I can’t tell from your pictures, but if you have several of the same breed and one definitely looks different than the others (bigger, larger comb and wattles, etc.) it’s a pretty safe bet that it’s a cockerel.
Today, one did not peep and it was a sound we never heard before. Strange sound. Let me get a close up with my editor on my pc. If it is it does not matter because we had a rooster years ago. Here is another photo.

Thank you all. I thought maybe it was. Just wanted to make sure since I've never knew how to tell until I read some post yesterday. I can not wait until our funny male neighbor finds out and his wife will laugh up at storm at her husband again. This is be fun again. Thanks again.
Thank you all. I thought maybe it was. Just wanted to make sure since I've never knew how to tell until I read some post yesterday. I can not wait until our funny male neighbor finds out and his wife will laugh up at storm at her husband again. This is be fun again. Thanks again.
If that last photo is the bird in question, that's a male, as males have black chests, females have salmon.

Next to last photo with dark brown feathers. Last one is pullet I do know that.
Thanks everyone. It was really hard trying to find my thread again. Chick roo is getting really tall now. Three month old tomorrow. He is trying to crow but nothing close to that yet. Anyone know when they start to crow?

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