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  1. jenna elizabeth

    Septic arthritis

    So I took my duck to the vet for her swollen leg… I thought it was broken but she’s got septic arthritis😞 he said he could do a surgery but that it’s not 100% and basically hinted to putting her down 😞 I’m really upset about this because I’ve bonded so much with my girl. Anyone else experience...
  2. jenna elizabeth

    Help! My duck has a swollen leg

    Please help! My ducks leg has been swollen but she was walking around still and I figured she was fine… well a few days ago I noticed her laying down a lot and when she tried to walk she couldn’t well… I’ve been soaking her in warm epsom salt bath once a day and keeping her in a little crate...
  3. jenna elizabeth

    Help with duck food

    Pellets or crumbles for ducks Suggestions for duck food from tractor supply. I have 4 females and one male!
  4. jenna elizabeth

    Melatonin for drakes?

    Does melatonin help calm a drake? How much should I give him ?
  5. jenna elizabeth

    Mixing ducks?

    Hey! I have 2 Rouen ducks. Ones a male and one is a female. I also have a pekin female. I just put my pekin in the coup with my 2 rouens and the male kept pulling her neck feathers and putting his neck over hers. I put him in a separate coup so that the 2 females can get used to each other. Is...
  6. jenna elizabeth

    Duckling and seizures

    Has anyone had a duckling have seizures, or know about ducks and seizures? Can they recover after them or will they always have them? TIA
  7. jenna elizabeth

    Help! My 3 week old duckling is struggling!

    She was fine yesterday! She woke up and just wasn’t acting right next time I checked on her she was flipping all around, wouldn’t eat or drink, almost like having a seizure!); not her eyes Are like closing shut, and she’s sleeping a lot I’m thinking maybe she had botulism but I’m not sure! Think...
  8. jenna elizabeth

    Incubating eggs.

    Heyyy, could I just go to my chickens coup, (I have one rooster) could I go out there and get some of those eggs and incubate them?
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