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  1. aglosser1117

    New babies

    My hen's eggs are due to hatch in 2 days (day 21). Now she is in a deep basket which the babies would not be abke to get in and out. Should I move her and her eggs to a more " baby friendly" box now or wait until they hatch? We work, so I probably won't be here when they hatch. This is my...
  2. aglosser1117

    Rooster breed

    Could someone tell what breed my rooster mat be?
  3. aglosser1117

    When to separate broody hen from flock

    How soon do I need to separate broody hen from flock before eggs hatch?
  4. aglosser1117

    Candling eggs

    Should I see chick movement when canlding eggs at 7 days? They are light brown eggs. I can see dark areas. Never done.this before, but they don't look loke any videos I've seen.
  5. aglosser1117

    Moving broody hen

    Is it possible to move broody hen and eggs to different nesting box?
  6. aglosser1117

    Hen off nest 2 1/2 hour

    My Buff Orpington is setting. I tryed to move her to new nesting box, but didnt like that idea. I went out 2 1/2 hours later and she had moved to old nest and the eggs were cold. I put them back with her. Will they still hatch after being cold. Is day 5.
  7. aglosser1117

    Broody Hen

    I think my 1 yr old Buff is getting broody. Not sure how or if I should let her raise chick. How long does ir takw for eggs to hatch? Can I lwave just a couple of eggs undwr her? Help!
  8. aglosser1117

    Hens laying eggs on roost

    I have 4 2 year old White Leghorns who layer all winter, but now are laying while still on the roost and the eggs,have no shell. What can I do? Feed layer feed and oster she'll available at all times.
  9. aglosser1117

    Hens not laying

    I have 4 two year old White Leghorns, 3 one year old Barred Rocks, and a one year old RIR. All through the winter were getting 7 to 9 eggs a day. The last month were getting 2 to 4 eggs a day and White Leghorns are having a lot of soft she'll eggs. They have oyster she'll available at all...
  10. aglosser1117

    Hoarse chick

    My 5 week old chick seems to be hoarse. She seems fine. Eating and very active, but her voice is changing! Is this anything to be worried about?
  11. aglosser1117

    Feeding baby chicks

    Can I feed 3 week old chicks cooked egg? I feed starter crumbles, but one chick is a little smaller. Would eggs help her catch up with her sisters?
  12. aglosser1117

    Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks

    I have 2 3 week old silver laced wyandotte pullets and 2 buff Orpington the same age. The buffs are twice the size of the Wyandottes. Was wondering if the wyandottes are normally slower to mature than other breeds.
  13. aglosser1117

    Hoarse Chick!

    My 10 week chicks just experienced their first thunderstorm outside. I went out to check on them and of course they were all a little scared, but dry. One is actually hoarse...sounds like a goose! Could this be because she is upset? Could it be something serious? She was fine this morning.
  14. aglosser1117

    9 1/2 week hens?

    Here are my babies at 9 1/2 weeks. Hens?
  15. aglosser1117

    Which feed is better for hens?

    As a new chicken owner, wondering which is best, laying pellets or crumbles. Started out feeding crumbles and accidentally bought pellets. Would it be ok to switch over?
  16. aglosser1117

    Medicated Feed

    I have 7 week chicks which have been unmediated feed. Would it be a good idea to feed medicated feed now, or is it too late?
  17. aglosser1117

    what age can chicks be put outside?

    My chicks are 7 weeks old. The night time lows have been in the 50's. When is it safe to move them outside?
  18. aglosser1117

    what breed?

    Any ideas on what breed handsome Fabio might be! He's a real sweetheart!
  19. aglosser1117

    Sick hen?

    I am a new chicken owner. I have a 1yr old White Leghorn hen. She has no feathers on her backside and belly. Also has a discharge from vent...but don't notice a smell. Seems fine otherwise. Will post pics below.
  20. aglosser1117

    Sick Hen?

    I am new to chickens and have a question about my 1 yr old White Leghorn hen. She has no feathers on her backside and belly. Also has a discharge from vent...but don't notice a smell. Seems fine otherwise.
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