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  1. cluckoldhen

    do not like the improvements

    I am having a horrible time with the "new" NOT like it. When I open a page I hear a almost constant I am clicking on something. When I hit the back button it does not go back...I have to hit 2 or 3 times..its very annoying. It is not set up to be user friendly at...
  2. cluckoldhen

    yet more id's

    These were supposed to be "feather legged bantams" They are feather legged ..but not has 5 toes. Any ideas??
  3. cluckoldhen

    What breed bantam?

    This is a TSC mystery chick..I have 4..this is the only pullet Thanks!!
  4. cluckoldhen

    One dead One sick

    A young 3-4 month old poult died..she would sit there with her neck kinda pulled in and look lethargic..then I went out one morning and the tom was standing on top of her and she was dead...I thought he might have killed her but now he is acting lethargic as well. He doesnt seem to be eating and...
  5. cluckoldhen

    chickens and turkey feed or turkeys and chicken feed??

    I have 2 heritage bronze turkeys that I am keeping with my chickens..the problem is..the chickens eat the turkeys scratch and are not getting enough calcium. I have oyster shells for them..but their eggs seem to be a bit weaker. My question...does anyone know how I could feed the turkeys without...
  6. cluckoldhen

    How long do chicks stay with mom??

    My bantam cochin mix hatched some bantam eggs that I got from a friend ...6 of them. How long do they stay with mom and how long before she starts to lay again?? Can I put her in an enclosure after a while..she is in a dog crate now. Here is a pick of the little ones Thanks!
  7. cluckoldhen

    pic of my new peeps

    sorry about the post with no pics!! Anyways....this is my broody bantam cochinx with some of the chicks she hatched from borrowed eggs. They were all bantam x eggs..I think Sebright and mille fleur..??? They are the sweetest things!! and mom is very tolerant of my peeking!
  8. cluckoldhen

    peeps to clucks

    At what age do their peeps turn to clucks?? Just curious!
  9. cluckoldhen

    introducing new turkeys to hens

    I am getting 2 heritage bronze turkeys tomorrow..whats the best way to introduce 6 month old turkeys to my laying chickens? The turkeys are used to chickens..but not mine. My chickens have never seen a turkey! Any suggestions?? Thanks
  10. cluckoldhen

    what breed bantam is she??

    She is a pretty sweet bird..just curious as to what she is?? I was told she was a cochin...I say no way! Thanks!
  11. cluckoldhen

    What came first..the chicken or the egg???

    It looks like the chicken in this case!
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