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  1. kookieoboe56

    Baby chick pecking herself raw

    We have 6 3 week old baby chicks. One can not stop pecking at herself. She has pecked herself raw under one wing and is now working on the other. I have separated her, and we put betadine and vaseline on the area (after washing it with warm soapy water), yet she persists. I have been with...
  2. kookieoboe56

    5 year old hen had pulled all of the feathers off of her butt - extremely poopy butt-What to do?

    My 5 year old hen has taken all of the feathers off of her butt, which is extremely poopy. Her butt is raw red. I have used some mineral oil and some vaseline on her behind. Besides pulling out her own feathers, she doesn't seem to be in much discomfort. I would like to do something to help...
  3. kookieoboe56

    Cannablaism or mites

    My nearly 2 year old Rhode Island red, has always been picked on because she is so much smaller. But now her neck is nearly bare of feathers and she is missing some feathers on her wings. I took her out of the run 2 nights ago. I thought she might be being pecked to death. Are there other...
  4. kookieoboe56

    Chicken with a bleeding wound on conb

    Hi All, Although we have had the hens for slightly over a year (total newbies) we have not experienced all the joys of chicken ownership yet. Today I came home to find one of the Buff Orpintons bleeding rather profusely from her comb. They were all in the run. No other injuries. She seems...
  5. kookieoboe56

    Buff won't get out of nesting box and seems very uncomfortable

    I have a buff that won't leave the nesting box. I took one egg from under her, but I am not sure it was hers. She is making strange sounds, has her butt in the air, and seems uncomfortable. COuls she be egg bound? She is only a bit over a year old. Thanks for any help. kookieoboe
  6. kookieoboe56

    Very sudden chicken death

    This am we let the seven hens out. My spouse said they all ran out, no signs of lethargy at all. 1 hour later one of the reds was dead. There are no signs of entry into the run and the other hens seem fine. What are some of the causes of such a sudden death? She was about 1 week shy of...
  7. kookieoboe56

    New chicken owner run question

    I am a first time chicken owner living in rural Maine. You get the idea, plenty of predators. We just completed the coop and the run with the exception of roof covering for the run. This was an existing chain link fenced area 18' x 25'. We dug a 1' deep trench around the perimeter, dropped...
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