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  • Users: Deltabwa
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  1. Deltabwa

    Respiratory infection?

    My girl started doing this a couple days ago. I'm guessing it's respiratory? Any idea what it is and how to treat it? My local vet does not do poultry.
  2. Deltabwa

    Breed of roo?

    My cousin just got this rooster and wondered what breed it was.
  3. Deltabwa

    Goose eggs - Day 14 sudden detached air cell

    Is there any way to save these eggs? I had them under hens but found them 2 days in a row, kicked out of the nest box from 2 different hens, but I believe the hens were kicked out of the box and the eggs were kicked out as they came out. I have felt them under wings a few times and not their...
  4. Deltabwa

    Very concerned now!!! Updated with video in 3rd post. 2 yo sex link hunched and can't get on roost

    3 nights ago I went to close up the coop and found my oldest and top girl on the ground under the roost being bred by my lowest rooster. That got my attention immediately, I shoo'ed him off and she continued to lay there with 1 wing outstretched. I picked her up and noticed she wasn't...
  5. Deltabwa

    My 14 wk old Golden Campine/splash Andalusian cross

    Here are the chicks at 14 wks old. I posted a thread asking about sex linking this cross because I had 3 that were born with a brown spot on their backs and faces and 1 that was all blue and I was told they weren't sex linked. I totally accept this as factual but oddly enough, all 3 with brown...
  6. Deltabwa

    Think I can safely say there are 3 boys in this group of almost 4 wk olds...

    For one, the red wattle kind of gives it away lol but at hatch I had 3 with brown on their backs and 1 that was all blue and slightly smaller. They are a golden campine/splash Andalusian (roo) cross. I wondered if the would be sexable at birth since they had the brown and I don't know if it...
  7. Deltabwa

    New momma Campine malnourished??

    My campine is a great momma, the chicks are 10 days old and they are doing fantastic. My concern though, has come in the last 2 days. I'm posting video's of how she kicks her legs back, sometimes as much as if she is doing the stretch with a wing, but most times, it's just a short quick...
  8. Deltabwa

    Just for confirmation... Autosexing Genetics

    You can't autosex a Golden Campine hen to a Splash Andy rooster can you? 4 eggs hatched, 2 have brown down there back and 2 have black backs. I didn't think so but then started wondering... I've tried calculators but they are so confusing and don't know if it says it does. And I've tried...
  9. Deltabwa

    And it begins! My Campine is doing a good job of mothering so far.

    2 eggs pipped yesterday. I brought them in and put them in the bator cuz I was nervous about this hen. Before I went to bed i went and checked the hen and 2 more pipped. This morning the 2 I brought in still hadnt zipped so I put them back under momma with a plan to check every 1/2 hr. She...
  10. Deltabwa

    Is there a list of "Bad Momma" breeds?

    I've tried searching for a list of breeds that are typically, of course not always, bad mothers, good mothers, bad setters, etc. And I was sure I saw one a while ago but can't find it now and don't think it was on here. And does anyone have experience with Golden Campines that went broody?
  11. Deltabwa

    Would you say these are 4-5 days old embryos?

    One of my campines decided to disappear. I thought it was only about 4 days but maybe it was longer. Do these look 4 to 5 days old or was she gone longer, do you think? There are 10 eggs but only these 4 show veining so before I throw them away I wanted a 2nd (or more) opinion. I thought they...
  12. Deltabwa

    *Updated* Golden Campine gone missing - broody or eaten? She is found!

    I have 2 golden Campines that I bought in April. Neither of them ever sat in the nest box. And yet I never found any white eggs. I kept saying that one of these days I will find a massive clutch of eggs somewhere. Well, 2 months ago my husband found some. I should have left the spot but I...
  13. Deltabwa

    Let's see your molts

    One of my Delawares is having such a rough molt lol. She spends most of her time in the coop cuz the wind is cold on her bare skin.i ended up chasing her out inadvertently, trying to get pics. She stayed out about 5 min and ran back in shivering.
  14. Deltabwa

    Which breed is laying this fairy egg?

    I have gotten 3 of these speckled eggs in the last 5 days. All 3 have been fairy and it has to be from my young group. I have: frizzle cochin bantams, non frizzle Cochin bantam, silkie bantam, sultan, rir, Brahma, white and white crested polish, buff orps, campine and this girl (see pic), who...
  15. Deltabwa

    Fluid in belly with egg floating

    I have a, barely over, 1 year old Buckeye that a few days ago I noticed she was waddling. After researching, I wasn't sure if what she had was Ascites, but didn't expect her to live. I felt her belly and it was soft and gushy so I needed to wait for help before draining her. But she had an...
  16. Deltabwa

    Are these blue?

    Would you call these blue? The regular feathered is out of a Splash Andy roo and a Black Ameraucana hen that i hatched from my own flock The frizzle is hatched from a "Fun and Funky" egg collection from MPC and they figured it was a EE. I figure the same but wondered what color you would call...
  17. Deltabwa

    Sex of 14 wk old Brahma

    Any thought on the sex of this one? The last pic is of 2 together that I believe the one on the left is a pullet. I am leaning towards this one being a cockeral.
  18. Deltabwa

    Is this a pullet and a RIR?

    It's 4 1/2 weeks old. Thinking it's also a pullet. Do you agree? I was really hoping it was something other than an RIR,but I think it is
  19. Deltabwa

    Broody momma calling it quits

    I have 2 broodys, 1 with 2 chicks and 1 with 4. They are 4 1/2 weeks old. They each had their own coop, inside the run with the big coop. 2 days ago I finally put them all out with the rest of the flock. They were accepted and left alone. That night momma w/4 slept in her normal coop...
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