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  • Users: Rob Tof
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Rob Tof

    Door closed my chickens in coop on 100deg day

    A few days ago I almost had a tragedy. Every morning I open the coop door to let out my girls. I knew it was going to be close to 100 degs. So I checked the water and food I also put out a second water faunt. Well mid morning we had some wind and rain. The wind closed the coop door locking the...
  2. Rob Tof

    Moving soon but my girls will come to the new house.

    I just put my house up for sale. Time to down size. I will be moving my chickens and there coop/pen. Any advice in how to make this less stressful for both me and chickens.
  3. Rob Tof


    Can chickens eat avocado. I have some Spanish food left over but it has a small amount of avocado in it. I heard long ago don’t feed birds it.
  4. Rob Tof

    The new neighbour

    So my new neibor sent his wife over to inform me my chickens got loose. He also said to have her tell me I’m not allowed to have chickens in my town. She was the sweetest thing coming to my door to let me know my chickens got loose. I then informed her they are not loose there free range. She...
  5. Rob Tof

    Ayam cemani

    I can’t find any info on them I’m looking for a few pullets. Love the look. Can they live in Conn. It got as cold as -4 for a few days. I do have a heat lamp in my coop for the really cold days. Coop got down to 20s inside.
  6. Rob Tof

    Dirty birds

    I have a question I’m a bit of a neat freak around my girls I keep there coop super clean there well fed and watered. I’m coming up on my first year of owning chickens. My problem is as soon as I let the girls out they go dust in the dirt under my porch. I used to have a white leg horn and EE...
  7. Rob Tof

    Hen having trouble passing egg!

    My Roadisland Red seems to be having issues passing a egg. She's been in the nest box for almost two days. I put a water and food tray today for her in front of the nest box. She's eating fine drinking fine. I see her straining a lot she's one of my best egg laters some times double yokes. I can...
  8. Rob Tof

    Little help

    My leghorn who just started laying had about a inch of her comb torn off. I'm not sure if it was one of the other chickens or something came into my yard. All I know is she had blood all over her. I used quick stop for dogs nails to stop the bleeding. Worked fast, after I looked at my hands I...
  9. Rob Tof

    She just started laying

    Ok so my leghorn just started laying eggs. Over the weekend I changed the nest box from one large one with no separation. I cleaned out the nest box and found lots of poop. So I changed it a bit and added separate nesting baskets 4 total 12x14 and about 4 to 6inches deep. Good news after 4 days...
  10. Rob Tof

    Very first egg

    Today one of my chickens laid there first egg. So happy all the work me and my family have done to get to this point. So I take the egg into the house to show the family and my son says can I see? I said sure be carful with it. He looks at me like dah dad it's a egg. Half a sec later he drops it...
  11. Rob Tof

    Off with the roof new design based off yurt design

    Yesterday I took off the roof of my run it was always collapsing with heavy rain. My design is based off a yurt. That's a Mongolian tent. The first pic is of the old sagging in from rain. Second and third is all framed up the whole roof is supported by the cable. 4th is in side 5th is the roof...
  12. Rob Tof

    Coop gets paint

    Today my coop changed color white to barn red.
  13. Rob Tof

    Can't get my chickens in pen when I want.

    Hello I've only been into chickens for the past few months. I love it very fun. My chickens are free range but lately they are wondering out of my yard. My Neigbors are great and just call me to come get my chickens. They come to me when called I feed lots of fun stuff they will follow me around...
  14. Rob Tof

    Heavy winds and rain need advice

    Last night we had heavy winds and bad rain. I came to my coop and my pen roof collapsed in thank God my hens were in the coop for the night. Looking for advice on how to fix this issue. I don't want to totally rebuild the pen. Here is a pic of what it looked like this morning. I used a old...
  15. Rob Tof

    How many nest boxes do I need for 8 chickens?

    Ok I'm a noob been looking here about nest boxes. I have been told from a friend it's 2 to one box. Then today I had another say it's one to one. My chickens aren't due to start laying till aug. Born on April 6. So I still have time to build the boxes. I'd rather not fill up my coop with boxes...
  16. Rob Tof


    Started my build out mid April. Did lots of reading on here first. First Found a place in my yard for coop and run. Reclaim my kids old trampoline for run. Big day arrives Chicks reach 7 weeks move into coop. i don't like coop is a pain to clean and get in with small door. Addition up and out...
  17. Rob Tof

    New dad to 8 Chickens

    Hello All, Well I bought 8 chickens on April 8 From our local feed and grain. (2 Days old.) Kept the chicks in house till end of May. Got a 100$ Kids play house off craigslist Was way to small. I have been tweeking coop for a little over 2 months. 1. had to expand 100$playhouse made it twice the...
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