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  1. AshleyNicole06

    Ducks & Chickens

    Yall, how cute are these?? PENS!!! (They're for sale!!) How exciting!! Let me know which one you like best!! LIKE MY PAGE ON FACEBOOK!! Ashley Nicole Designs
  2. AshleyNicole06

    Prolapse vent in new duckling??

    Hi everyone! I need some help! I think my newly hatched duckling has a prolapse vent?? How do i know that's what it is? What can I do?
  3. AshleyNicole06


    Ducking is moving its beak..and I can hear little peeps.. Hopefully not shrink wrapped as I accidentally knocked the lid off.. Just my luck!!
  4. AshleyNicole06

    Duck eggs...

    Quick question! Please help! I have 6 eggs in an incubator right now. Lockdown will be with a couple days for atleast two of them. (They are all on different days) I'll have to take the automatic turner out.. what do I do with the other eggs that need turned during lockdown? I can turn by...
  5. AshleyNicole06

    Duck eggs...

    Quick question! Please help! I have 6 eggs in an incubator right now. Lockdown will be with a couple days for atleast two of them. (They are all on different days) I'll have to take the automatic turner out.. what do I do with the other eggs that need turned during lockdown? I can turn by...
  6. AshleyNicole06

    Incubating duck eggs..

    I cannot get my incubator to set right. It's getting to almost 70% humidity and if I go to dump water out it's going down to almost 40% Any tips?? I just went to check and it was at almost 70%, so I dumped some more water out and I'll see what it is in the morning. Thank you.
  7. AshleyNicole06

    Incubating DUCK eggs! So many questions! HELP!

    Hi! Im incubating DUCK eggs. You will see in a previous post the kind of incubator I have. I HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS!! :) 1. What is lockdown humidity? 2. What day is lockdown? 3. Lockdown temp? 4. Temp and humidity throughout incubation? 5. When do you take the turner out? 6. How do you...
  8. AshleyNicole06


    Does anyone have this incubator and was successful?? Please let me know Thinking of hatching a few eggs. Lost my khaki boy last night.. (hes a good flyer, so I'm hoping he's just waiting for the right time to come home)
  9. AshleyNicole06

    Incubator help!

    Having a few issues! I need help on the incubator instructions! I've hatched eggs in an incubator before but I can't remember the settings! Help please! :) TIA!
  10. AshleyNicole06

    Eggs. .

    What do yall think about these eggs? There's only 3, a couple pics are the same egg.
  11. AshleyNicole06

    Duck sitting on nest.

    I have eggs I'm iffy about. The 2 solid black ones don't move. I'm iffy on the one, but the other has a vein I can see. The first lighter colored one is obviously not as far as the others. (It's after day 28 for the other ones) What do yall think of these? This one has veins. #1 Number 2...
  12. AshleyNicole06

    Egg!! Help!

    My rouen girl is sitting on her first nest of eggs.. I candle them and most of them seem to he okay.. except I'm not sure about this one::: What do yall think?? TIA
  13. AshleyNicole06

    Alive or dead??

    QUESTION:: PLEASE HELP!! Could someone show me or describe what an egg looks like that's not good when candled?? She's been sitting for 3 weeks..and I cannot tell.. She has eggs that I can see veins in, and a couple that the liquid inside is moving..and one where I can see the baby.. or atleast...
  14. AshleyNicole06


    My golden 300 is sitting on her's day 16 today.. Another duck got in there last night and destroyed her whole nest she had built. The eggs are okay, not cracked but are spread around everywhere! She's still trying to sit on them. Will the eggs be okay? Will she rebuild her nest...
  15. AshleyNicole06

    Need some help incubating!

    I just lost one of my girl ducks, was thinking about trying to incubate some of her eggs. Can someone help with the directions? Maybe a website. I have done it before but i can't remember what exactly I did. Thanks for your help!!
  16. AshleyNicole06

    Duck Eggs.. Good or bad?

    I have some pictures of some duck eggs... shes sitting on these. Wondering if I should take or leave them. TIA!
  17. AshleyNicole06

    Broody duck... maybe? HELP!!

    SHE is supposed to be sitting on her nest. But she hasnt really been on it much lately. She goes on it at night around 10 or 11pm until morning. And then on and off all day! I think shes also laying again. Not sure. The eggs in her nest have life.. I have candled them.
  18. AshleyNicole06

    GOLDEN 300

    Do golden 300s go broody?? What ducks are good mothers? Looking to buy some ducklings this spring. All the places around here have khaki, and fawn white runner ducks and pekins Thanks!!
  19. AshleyNicole06

    Check this out!

    Just got done doing this project in memory of my three babies! I know their names are bit cooked. Lol. Whatcha y'all think?
  20. AshleyNicole06

    Please help! Got some questions!

    My rouen drake was attacked by another duck (pekin) much larger than him. A few weeks ago. He was bleeding and In shock and all that. He is eating, and drinking. He just has trouble moving his neck up and down. So I put his bowls up higher than on the ground. He can't get it all the way to...
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