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  1. Chickenmama1614

    Weed killer vs chickens

    Will weed killer kill chickens? My husband sprayed our yard without me knowing and my hens have been eating the grass all day! Does this effect the eggs?? Help!
  2. Chickenmama1614

    Hatched chicks with one eye closed

    i have some chicks that arent quite 24hrs old. I have noticed on a couple that only one eye is open and another chick has the other barely half open. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it get better?
  3. Chickenmama1614

    Need HELP!! ASAP!

    I have 8 eggs. 2 hatched and others have pipped. My humidity is currently 65% with two vents open using a farm innovator incubator. Do I close a vent? I have to leave for several hours and im afraid it will drop too much, but dont want to suffocate those that hatched! Please help!
  4. Chickenmama1614


    i have a few eggs due to hatch and one of them has pipped slightly on the bottom. Not completely though. I see the shell cracking and its moving like crazy. Do I help by turning the egg right side up? Or leave it?
  5. Chickenmama1614

    Two coops?

    I have a second batch of chicks that will be moving into a second seperate coop. This coop is large enough to hold ten chickens. Currently I have one large enough that holds 14. In order to introduce the new flock, I have the new coop with a run attached to the other run with a fence that...
  6. Chickenmama1614

    New flock/Existing Flock

    I need advice from experience chicken owners. I currently have a coop that holds 14 chickens. I have 8 more incubating right now. How do you introduce new chickens to the flock? Do i need a separate coop until they are no longer pullet size? Im struggling to find a coop large enough for 8 hens...
  7. Chickenmama1614


    My rooster appears to be turning into a crabby man and my hens appear to be getting bored with the long cold winter months. What is a good inexpensive way to keep them entertained and docile until spring? I feel like they are becoming out of control and picking on each other more each day.
  8. Chickenmama1614

    Cross Breeds?

    I currently have Rhode Islands Reds, Easter egger, Speckled Sussex and Cinnamon queens in my flock. I am going to hatch some of my own soon (once the snow starts melting!) My rooster is an Easter egger. What do you call the breeds when you mix them? I would love to get a few Easter eggers...
  9. Chickenmama1614

    Life threatening cold

    I live in Minnesota and currently we are in a “life threatening” cold until Thursday night. -60 below temps. Can someone help me with the best way to keep my babes alive and well? They are in an insolated coop with pine shavings and a doggie type door to the outside. Should I close the door and...
  10. Chickenmama1614

    Some laying some not

    I have comets that are 16 weeks and layed the first egg. The rest of my flock are 20weekers. What do I feed to accomodate all of them? Layer feed? Chick starter with oyster shells? The first egg was a shell less
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