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  1. indiefoxfarm

    Drakes + Chicken Hens

    We currently have two 7mo Rouen drakes, one 7mo Rouen duck, and 4 other ducks (we think they're Rouen/Runner crosses and around the same age). We also have 6 EE hens and 1 EE roo in the same coop/run (they're 5mo old). Our coop is large (about 12' wide x 15' deep x 8+' tall) and so far...
  2. indiefoxfarm

    Rooster Bachelor Pad Transition

    We raised a dozen easter egger hatchlings last July, and ended up with 6 hens and 6 roos. We've been keeping a close eye on them with the intent to separate the "problem" roos into a bachelor pad when the time came. Well, the time is now! Five of them have started beating up on our hens. We...
  3. indiefoxfarm

    Breed Help?

    We just picked up some ducks to add to our flock to even out the genders (had 1 female and 2 male Rouens and got 4 more females). They are supposedly Rouens but obviously aren't. It doesn't matter to us but I was curious what they might be? It looked like she had a Rouen female and at least one...
  4. indiefoxfarm

    New Duck Mom

    Hello! I am scheduled to pick up some Rouen ducklings tomorrow and want to make sure I'm prepared. I've wanted ducks since I moved to my farm 5 years ago and I'm so excited to finally be getting some! We've had chickens before but got them after they were old enough to live outside so we've...
  5. indiefoxfarm

    Please help with probable Easter Eggers breed/gender

    I am new to chickens and just acquired two from a neighbor. I'd like some input on their breed and gender. It's been suggested that they are Easter Eggers, and one has been laying blue eggs (not sure which one). They don't have names yet, so I'll just refer to them as Chicken 1 and Chicken 2 :p...
  6. indiefoxfarm

    Chicken Newbs

    Hello, backyardchickens forum! We recently adopted two chickens from one of our neighbors who purchased about a dozen chicks at a farm supply store this spring in a variety of breeds. Two became bullied to the point that they were basically trapped in the back corner of the coop by the other...
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