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  1. S

    Chick hatched but there’s blood??

    We have had a chicken sitting on eggs for a few weeks and they are now hatching. She kept one chick and stopped sitting on all the other eggs so we have brought them in under a heat lamp. They are doing well now, except for one. He was the coldest but perked up a little after under the warmth...
  2. S

    My chick is sick, how can I help her?

    recently we hatched chicks via incubator and also under a mother chicken. Since then we have put them all together in the one pen and there has been no issues. About a week ago one of the chicks wasn’t walking so we took her out and had her in a separate cage. We read that she may have a...
  3. S

    Chick started hatching but won't finish

    we have a chicken at the moment sitting on eggs but there were too many for her to keep warm so we put some in the incubator. so far we have had two chicks hatch (1 that was already under mama chicken and 1 from the incubator) and they are both healthy and happy. this morning we checked the eggs...
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