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  1. L

    Hen attacking brooding hens

    Hello, We're experiencing a problem with a non-brooding hen attacking our brooding hens. Our Rhode Island Red is the one not brooding and the other two have taken up the preferred, previously shared nest. Our White Barred Plymouth Rock got up to take a walk in the run and the Rhode Island Red...
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    5.5 week old chicks in Seattle area--are our temps moderate enough to boot them outside?

    Hello, We've bought pullets and raised them as pet hens for several years now. This is our first batch of chicks. They are now 5.5 weeks old. We've taken them off the heat lamp and they've been living in the brooder in our living room at standard indoor temps. I hate to lose them and put them...
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    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? About 8 years ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 9 (3) What breeds do you have? White Plymouth Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Rhode Island Red, Cochin, Buff Orpington, Light Brahma (4) What are your favorite...
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    Integrating Hen Cliques

    Hello, We've been keeping chickens for at least 8 years now. We've had some chickens pass away and have added pullets from the local grange to our flock without problem. The last introduction went particularly well; we divided the run under the coop with puppy fencing and the two new girls were...
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