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  1. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Fellow bird keepers...

    Hello bird peoples! I’m shocked! I wasn’t aware my birds are really robots working for the CIA. That scares me. Has anybody had any suspicions is what I’m wondering. Here’s a link so you know it’s true. *note extreme sarcasm
  2. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Goose eye red and swollen. Was fine an hour ago.

    Hello, I came to check on my geese, I do it every hour when they are outside. It was fine last time I was out. I think it was a bug bite and the gosling scratched his eye and irritated it. What should I use for treatment? Should I cover his toenails to prevent further damage? Thanks in advanced.
  3. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Welcome to Insanity!

    Welcome to my Madhouse! Please join me in the insanity and feel free to share your insane experiences! I’ll start off with by listing my “herd” * 50+ chickens egg chickens and meatbirds * 11 Ducks 1 pekin, 5 mallards, 5 khaki campbells * 4 Toulouse goslings, more eggs in the...
  4. WhatTheDuckingDuck


    So we went a little bird-crazy, so what? Here’s what we got: 5 Mallard ducklings 5 what I’m assuming Khaki Campbells ducklings 1 pekin duck (Ben Aflac) 13 CX 7 Bantams (mixed kinds) 8 Ameraucanas 10 barnyard mix we hatched ourselves 3 Rhode Island Red 7 Black Sexlinks 5 Buff Orpington 5 Silver...
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