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  • Users: ladybrasa
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  1. ladybrasa

    Chicken feet - can I “salvage” them?

    So, I saved my chicken feet in the freezer from last year. I haven’t mentally gotten to the point of using them as people food yet, but it seems such a waste to chuck them in the woods. My idea was to dehydrate and give out as fancy dog treats, as I had seen this online. I had clipped the nails...
  2. ladybrasa

    Possible idea to manage coop waste/cleaning

    So I have a large walk in coop, like big enough to be a tiny home. Cleaning out the pine shavings is a huge undertaking, and potentially a dangerous one, since I still breathe in dust despite wearing double masks. And I don’t get to do it very often. I’ve got plywood floors. And at the moment...
  3. ladybrasa

    Older rooster rejecting older hens?

    Just curious about a behavior I have been seeing. At one point we had an old rooster at least 8 years old, and three hens about 8, 5, and 3 years old. They are/were all healthy and the hens are still laying, at least occasionally. I got into a chick craze and eventually ended up with a new...
  4. ladybrasa

    Sexing chickens of a laced color pattern?

    So I hatched some Silver Double Laced Barnevelder and Chocolate Silver Laced Orpingtons a few days ago. Obviously way too soon to determine gender. I was wondering if there was any sort of coloration differences between males and females that may start appearing as they feather out on laced...
  5. ladybrasa

    Canning Recipes with Chicken

    I will probably raise a few cockerels for the freezer again this year. I’d like to try canning chicken this year also. I’ve done the stock/broth. What would be really awesome is some sort of recipes to can that I could just pull out of the pantry at night after work and more or less have a meal...
  6. ladybrasa

    Vent Gleet treatment options

    Hello hello! I have an Amberlink hen who is a little over a year and a half old. Noticed her preening her bum a little more than necessary while roosting one night, so went to look for lice or something … nope no lice but there is a definite bacterial infection smell emanating from her vent...
  7. ladybrasa

    How to handle/prepare ground chicken? (Or maybe canned chicken)

    So I still have more roos to take care of - assuming I can mentally do the deed - that are about 7 months of smallish various non-meat breeds, as well as the old 8+ year old rooster that hadn’t taken to being usurped very well. I’m concerned that based on breed and age, the 7 mo olds are going...
  8. ladybrasa

    “Litter Scoop” mod for hemp bedding?

    So I thought I might try hemp bedding in one section of the coop (approximately 9’ x 14’) instead of the usual TSC pine shavings. From what I’ve read about it, I’m hoping that I can get it to last 3-4 months before needing to clean out and therefore cost would roughly be the same as buying pine...
  9. ladybrasa

    Quick question - can multiple broodies be broken in same cage?

    I have only one broody breaker set up and three hens that literally went broody at the same time. My breaker cage is something like 3x2 foot or so. I think they would get along okay together. Or would it be counterproductive for breaking? I can certainly just do one at a time, and keep chucking...
  10. ladybrasa

    🙋‍♀️ Sexing questions on three juveniles

    I thought I generally had it figured out, but then I had to go and get some breeds that I’m not sure about. I would like to find out definitively or know what to look for to know for sure and around when, as boys will go to freezer camp. 1) I somehow ended up hatching a Silver Double-laced...
  11. ladybrasa

    OTC Antibiotic treatment options for Mycoplasma

    (Please skip to second paragraph for the actual question, if you don’t want to read about my whining situation …) So, my flock has been sneezing for a little while now, with some hens sounding congested sometimes. No nasal or eye discharge or eye bubbles. Maybe a little wetness around the...
  12. ladybrasa

    Considerations for butchering in heat - time between death and processing?

    A friend (or 2 or 3, but counting on 1) and myself will be butchering 12-13, 3.5 - 4 month old cockerels of various breeds at the end of the month. Probably gonna be super hot!! I’ve got a cheap tent, and can hook up a box fan or something. I will not be doing the actual deed, as I haven’t...
  13. ladybrasa

    Elector PSP in the garden?

    I have a small jug of elector psp I got to treat chicken lice early this year. Worked well! This stuff is expensive, but a little goes a long way, so I’ll have some sitting around forever. I definitely prefer the spinosad active ingredient over other pesticide options. What I am wondering is if...
  14. ladybrasa

    Hoover’s new 2021 “Easter Eggers”

    Just curious for any info, anecdotes, or pics of Hoover Hatchery’s “Easter Egger” chickens, new for 2021? I am well aware that Hoover’s is sneaky and has “Americana” which confuses so many people and these are not purebred Ameraucana chickens...
  15. ladybrasa

    Quickie Deworming question

    I’m sure the answer is somewhere on here ... Just saw a roundworm in some chicken poo! Not surprising - I suspect the soul around here is littered with dormant eggs. Last fall I treated with Levamisole when I saw roundworms under the roost, in water. This was before the majority of pullets were...
  16. ladybrasa

    Switching between upright and side positions during incubation?

    As long as air cells are attached, is there any issues with switching between incubating upright to incubating on the side? I have a DIY incubator wherein the eggs are positioned upright in egg cartons and tilted back and forth. I also purchased an NR 360 this year that positions the eggs on...
  17. ladybrasa

    Elector PSP for chicken lice

    I think I saw a louse and nits around the vent of one chicken last night (in the dark with a small head lamp). Need to confirm in daylight. I do not want to use permethrin. Elector PSP sounds great, if expensive. As far as I can tell, it is not actually listed as treating chicken lice, though...
  18. ladybrasa

    Cautionary tale about chickens with vaulted skulls

    (... mainly about vaulted skulls in breeds other than silkies and polish) So this summer I hatched a SFH from a variety “pack” of eggs from eBay. The first chick to hatch was this SFH and it had a strange “bump” on its crown. I was freaked out about this deformity, but learned from BYC that it...
  19. ladybrasa

    Post Processing - Some Questions and a little commentary

    Processed nine cockerels of various non-CX breeds and ages 3ish to 5ish months. Had the wonderful help of a work colleague/friend, who did the actual killing and helped process after. Skinned all. Parted a couple bigger ones, left two whole, spatchcocked the rest. Used loppers and a cone for...
  20. ladybrasa

    Hoover’s Mystic Onyx Hey, I remember reading threads here and there from last year or so about people getting mysterious but cute black-skinned chickens from their feed stores that carry chicks from Hoover’s Hatchery. I can’t remember the breed name they were being...
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