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  • Users: BonNuit
  • Content: Threads
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  1. BonNuit

    Crouching, Squatting, and Backing-Up / Walking Backwards excessively

    My hen, Ruby, has always been lowest in the pecking order of 13 hens (with a roo) -- and more "sensitive" to new things. She has always crouched a lot and will walk/move backwards when she has a new apron put on, is nervous, etc. -- it has seemed to be her way of showing submission. However...
  2. BonNuit

    Advice Request for Resin Shed to Coop Conversion

    Looking for the wisdom of those here. Pictures are of my area I am referring and two stock pics of my actual shed. I have 13 hens and one spoiled rooster. From my understanding, they need a coop that is at minimum 42 sq ft. Their current coop does not meet this need, and needs more...
  3. BonNuit

    Cooper's or Sharp Shinned Hawk?

    Could anyone with more experience identify this Chicken Murdering Asshat hawk for me? I tried to get a good picture, and this was the best I could do. Thanks!
  4. BonNuit

    Food and water amounts for sick/recovering rooster

    Looking for wisdom from those more experienced. My roo, Otis, ended up with severe frostbite on his combs (one part actually came off -- and was collapsing in the coop. When I brought him inside, he just sat motionless and only drank if I dropper hydrated or put his beak in the water. He took...
  5. BonNuit

    Rhode Island Red or Production Red?

    Can someone who is wise advise me if my amazing Roo, Otis is actually a RIR ... or if he is a production red? We raised him from 1 day old -- and he is supposed to be a RIR -- but try as I might, I really have trouble identifying the difference. He has the most amazing personality, and we...
  6. BonNuit

    Galvanized shed conversion possible? Or bad idea?

    I am wondering if something like this can be converted into a coop -- or if it's just a terrible idea all around. I realize that ventilation, roosts, etc. would need to be added -- just wondering if it's something others have done and ends up being a bad idea in the long run. On the surface...
  7. BonNuit

    Two Coops in a Run

    I raised 15 chicks -- half of which were supposed to go to my uncle once they were "started pullet age" (about 12 to 15 weeks). I had bought a coop advertised big enough for 8 hens (really about 6). Realized that it was a little small, thus bought another coop big enough for 10 to 12 chickens...
  8. BonNuit

    What's the soonest I could expect first egg laying?

    I am asking as I currently have my nesting boxes blocked off to keep my pullets from using them to for sleeping, etc. I didn't do this once, and ended up having a bugger of a time getting them to use the nesting boxes rather than hiding around them around the run, or keeping them from sleeping...
  9. BonNuit

    Introduction :-)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? This is my second time raising chickens -- we stopped for a few years after a devastating loss due to a predator invasion after a blizzard that left me a bit traumatized for a while. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? A...
  10. BonNuit

    Help -- Pullet or Cockerel?

    Could someone with more experience advise if my 13 week old RIR is a pullet or cockerel? He/She looks markedly different from my other RIR -- taller, more pronounced tail feathers, darker comb -- but I am hoping I am wrong and she's still a "she" ...
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