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  1. H

    Bumblefoot strikes

    This is Butters. I love her, she is my sweet girl. I noticed today she had swelling at one of her toe joints. I regularly pick her up and check feet, usually feel and a quick glance, but then I noticed it looks like she's got a bumble. I'm in SE TN and we had a bunch of rain within the past week...
  2. H

    So my girl's egg....

    ...looks like this. I've seen the random hard 'sprinkles' (what my kids call them) on my hens eggs but my year old girl just laid this one, like I watched her drop it, and it had these bumps in a cluster. They look like bug eggs! But they're hard and won't scrape off. I've never had any issues...
  3. H

    Please help, this is the only bird i cant identify 😫

    I got this lady from our local co op and she's the only one I can't figure out the breed. She super fluffy but loves to run everywhere she goes, she's very curious, keeps up with the main part of the flock, comes when she's called as long as one or 2 others are coming with her. She's a spring...
  4. H

    Guess my babies' sex!

    Ok I spend an unhealthy amount of time with my newest flock lol, I've been trying to figure out what breeds I ended up with from our co-op, 5 are from a breeder so 3 are lavender orpingtons, one is a cochin, and I can't remember what the other one is (kids named her brownie) I originally planned...
  5. H

    Possible gapeworm?

    I started this year with 3 hens. They laid nearly every day through the winter (2 Rhode Island reds and one marans) and once it warmed up they all 3 stopped, or what I assumed was they decided to start laying in the woods since they free roam. I'd moved their coop bc we had heavy rains for a...
  6. H

    Hey y'all!

    Hi! This is my second time raising chickens but the longest run so far. I started out a few years ago but we had major predator issues so after much devastation and heartbreak I decided to take a break for a while. Now with covid and all, I figured this was the best time to pick up where I left...
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