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  1. TimberLine Homestead


    Hey everybody I am posting this thread because I want to know everybody's opinions just for fun on our rooster names. I chose most of there names. I will post a poll to see whos everybodys favorite is. I also need help naming our silkie roo thanks for any name suggestions. I will tag everybody...
  2. TimberLine Homestead

    Need DOE

    HI, I am posting because we have a buck and are now looking into getting a good quality DOE. We have looked at and are interested in there doeling but would like a older one. Can anyone HELP? We are looking into goat in Missouri not to far away. Maybe close to the...
  3. TimberLine Homestead

    Who Has A soulmate pair of chickens?

    I am posing this because I would like to know what hen and if you have one ROOSTER are your favorite and why? ( if you don't have a rooster just put two of your favorite most adorable hens.) I will go first I love my EE rooster and Orpington hen. Their names are Roadrunner and Buttercup! At...
  4. TimberLine Homestead

    What Your Favorite Chicken Breed/s

    I'm posting this for fun. I would like to see if their is any Chicken people that would like to tell us what their favorite breeds, what they have currently, and what they get in the future. Here are few questions to answer after taking the poll. Answering these questions will help people get...
  5. TimberLine Homestead


    I have a hen that was broody so we put eggs under her and we think they are fertilized. She is still sitting on the eggs is there anything else I should know. PTW she is a buff orpington. (UPDATE) The chicks hatched. 11-26-2020. Mama is well and 11 out of 13 chicks hatched. I can't believe it...
  6. TimberLine Homestead


    I'm getting a baby goat christmas week ( I named him TIMBER )ITS A BOY!!!!!! I would like to know if there are any other goat lovers or goat owners out there. If so do you have feeding tips I am still learning about he will be out all day while we are outside to supervise him. Our neighbors goat...
  7. TimberLine Homestead

    Who uses DE(diatomaceous earth)

    I know a lot of people out there believe that it is dangerous to use DE but, I have been using it for over a 1 and a half. I would like to invite all DE users to talk and share information or anyone thinking about using DE. PLEASE be helpful and appropriate All information is welcome.
  8. TimberLine Homestead


    I'm getting a baby goat christmas week and NEED a name what shall I name him ( I named him TIMBER )ITS A BOY!!!!!! I would also like to know if there are any other goat lovers or goat owners out there. If you have feeding tips I am still learning about he will be out all day while we are outside...
  9. TimberLine Homestead


    Hi I was posting this to see if anyone had some information on goats. I am getting one Christmas week.:celebrate I was am getting a Nigerian dwarf goat(he is dark brown on the body, white spots by his tail, and tan and white on his face). I haven't decided his name yet I will when i go to see...
  10. TimberLine Homestead

    Anyone out there who has Turkeys🦃🦃

    HI! :welcome I love this site and all the information. I would like to know if there is anyone who has turkeys. I have a one male and one female Royal Palm Turkeys👏. (I will not be butchering them I bought them to be able to breed and sell)I would like to hear about your guys turkeys how you...
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