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  1. RosemaryDuck

    Crafty Rat...

    Anyone here have any advice on catching a rat that won't go into traps/is very wary of anything baited? Going on several nights in a row trying to catch this thing. It showed up a few days ago in my duck pen and has been taking eggs. I had one before get in many months ago but I managed to get...
  2. RosemaryDuck

    Deficiency/deformed duckling?

    Hey all, posting again with another rescue. I recently took in some 'wild' (invasive) Muscovy ducklings that were abandoned during a massive storm we just had. They were just hatched but abandoned by mom, and attempts at a reunion did not work. One seems to be having some sort of issue. I...
  3. RosemaryDuck

    Cane Toad

    Just wanted to share this pic I took of a huge cane toad that was under the duck pond. Believe it or not I've caught bigger then this 😅. (Side note: Always wash your hands after picking these guys up!).
  4. RosemaryDuck

    Blackberry is dead

    So upset right now. Am currently out on another trip and had a sitter watching the animals again. Got a call earlier that one of the ducks had died and they FaceTimed me. Blackberry was upside down with his legs in the air by the pool. No injuries, just dead. I have no words. I don't know what...
  5. RosemaryDuck

    Growth rate of Mule/Hinny ducks

    Does anyone know if Pekin/Muscovy crosses grow faster then normal breeds? Hersheys ducklings are currently 15 days old and are almost half her size already. They're growing so quickly! Just curious what everyones experience is. That's all 😁.
  6. RosemaryDuck

    Fly Issues

    Hey all. I have this issue every once in a while and wanted some advice. I'll go months without seeing a single fly in my duck pen, and then there will be 2-3 days of rain and flies will absolutely take over the yard. I clean constantly, replace the hay, and don't leave out any excess food...
  7. RosemaryDuck

    Sweet PDZ baby safe?

    So, there was just a massive thunderstorm for 2 days straight here. I cleaned out the pens twice afterwards but its still pretty wet and there's a ton of flies. I want to go get some pdz to use in the coop but currently have ducklings. Is it safe?
  8. RosemaryDuck

    Molt & a few funky eggs?

    Hi all. So Raspberry (Pekin) has been molting recently. She stopped laying when the molt began (normal, I know). This week she laid a somewhat lopsided egg, but I figured it was her getting back into the swing of things. Today I went out and she had laid one soft shelled egg, and a harder tiny...
  9. RosemaryDuck

    Rat bite case, experts needed!

    Hello all! Just need to pick some brains for ideas here. A few days ago someone brought 2 chicks into the clinic and said they were the only survivors of a horrific rat attack. One had to be euthanized as both his legs were snapped in half (not splayed, fractured). The second has some pretty...
  10. RosemaryDuck

    Safe to candle?

    So a lot of you probably know from my recent posts, a vacation pet sitter mistake has left me with a very broody Muscovy sitting on a large nest of eggs. Shes been sitting since roughly a few days after I left (just guessing since I have no way of really knowing the exact time). I want to...
  11. RosemaryDuck

    Hinnies? Mules?

    Are hinnies sex-linked? I've only ever bred Pekins, never crosses so I'm trying to learn here. I read an article that stated female hinnies will always look like a Pekin (white) and males will look more like a Muscovy. Is there any truth to this? Also any facts/info/tidbits you can share on...
  12. RosemaryDuck

    Surprise nest

    So, just gonna complain/ramble a bit here. I recently went on vacation and had someone caring for my animals. I left detailed instructions and specifically mentioned to collect all the eggs while I was gone. Upon arrival home, I saw that not a single egg had been collected, and Hershey...
  13. RosemaryDuck

    Drake behavior?

    So I just witnessed the weirdest behavior with Blackberry, my Pekin drake. I wish I had thought to get a video, but I'll just describe it here 😅. I was cleaning out the coop, and found a few eggs one of the ducks had tried to hide in the corner. I picked them up and placed them on the hay to...
  14. RosemaryDuck

    Frequent error image on photos & videos

    Has anyone else been experiencing this the past 2-3 days? It's not connection issues on my end (I've checked). Every few threads these error boxes will appear and I'm unable to get them to load. Screenshot below to show the error.
  15. RosemaryDuck

    New Pool?

    Does anyone have a good site they can recommend to buy large plastic kiddie pools or something similar? The duck gang finally cracked their pool and I'm having a hard time finding anything. No one local has them currently & Amazon is just showing me folding dog pools. Thanks in advance! ♥️
  16. RosemaryDuck

    Feed prices

    Anyone else seeing a pretty big increase on feed prices? Went to tractor supply today to pick up more duck pellets, which I was previously buying for $15.99. it's now $20+ tax. Just curious what everyone else is paying.
  17. RosemaryDuck

    Smooth (featherless) chickens?

    So I recently came across a video someone posted of their completely featherless rooster. There wasn't really any information and when I tried looking up a possible breed I didn't really find anything. I'm curious if anyone knows anything about a 'featherless' breed? Is it a genetic anomaly? A...
  18. RosemaryDuck

    Upcoming freezing weather

    Hi all! So apparently, Florida will be getting pretty severe weather in upcoming days and I'm a bit worried about my ducks. It will be dropping into the 20s (with pretty strong winds), which none of my birds have ever experienced before. It did briefly drop to 31 the other night, but I think...
  19. RosemaryDuck

    Freezing In Florida!

    Just thought I'd share, but it is currently 33 degrees here in Florida, there's ice all over the ground and I can see my breath! As a previous northerner this has me so excited. If it snowed here I think it would make my whole year! (Though I'm sure my birds wouldn't be thrilled 😅).
  20. RosemaryDuck

    Duck egg mayonnaise recipe?

    I swear I saw a recipe for mayonnaise made with duck eggs on here a while back. Anyone have any good ones they can share? Thanks! ♥️
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