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  1. AccidentalOrpingtons

    Another tiny egg thread

    I have a group of year old laying hens laying olive, white and brown eggs respectively. We recently added our blue egg layers that are about 8 weeks old. This morning found a tiny blue egg on the ground. The run is nowhere near any bushes and the tree above them have no nests. The egg is also...
  2. AccidentalOrpingtons

    Orpingtons not laying, advice on what causes stress?

    Everything I read about hens not beginning to lay mentions stress, but the few causes of stress are never clearly described to newbs like me. All hens bought at same time (14 April), the orpingtons were, I'm guessing, 2 weeks old) Two of our hens have been laying like clockwork for the past 2...
  3. AccidentalOrpingtons

    23 Week Old English Orpingtons - what am I doing wrong?

    I read that about 20 weeks they begin laying. All of our hens are new, purchased as chicks in April at slightly various ages. Our Cali White and Amberlink have begun laying like clockwork at about 10am. The 3 English Orps have not begun laying yet (I think there was one giant double yolk egg...
  4. AccidentalOrpingtons

    Just venting in terror, can add Cooper's Hawk to my list of predators

    So we knew way ahead of time we have a bear, 2 dens of foxes living in relative peace close together, racoons, skunks, a red tail hawk nest and our terrier (I think?) mix dog. This morning we just witnessed a cooper's hawk take out a small bird IN FLIGHT! I was so surprised and grateful to see...
  5. AccidentalOrpingtons

    ISO: Ameraucana and Olive Egger in Central/West NJ

    Looking for one of each Ameraucana and Olive Egger in Central/West NJ to add to our young flock. In Hunterdon County NJ
  6. AccidentalOrpingtons

    Clipped wing, can they still get to higher outdoor sitting bars?

    As I write this it seems a not smart question but in all the posts about clipping wings I am not able to figure this out. My question is, can they still flutter up to a higher roost (outdoor bars in their outdoor run, not the ones they sleep on) bar with a wing clipped? If yes, how high...
  7. AccidentalOrpingtons

    Eglu Cube Run vs...

    I have been avoiding getting chickens for years. Let me tell you about our backyard "friends" We have a bear(s) that knocked down my beehives once, there's now a bear fence and that has worked amazing, bear was thoroughly zapped trying to get the bacon bait, haven't seen it on any of the game...
  8. AccidentalOrpingtons

    Eglu weekend advice

    We got month old (+) chicks in April and got the Eglu with the run. We have had them outside overnight about 2 weeks. The automatic door will not arrive for a few more weeks, (which is very frustrating and weren't told that til after our order was made in March) Last week when we went away we...
  9. AccidentalOrpingtons

    New in NJ

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes! Today (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 chicks (3) What breeds do you have? 1 California White, 1 Amberlink, 1 Mystic Onyx, 3 English Orpingtons (I didn't know these were "expensive chickens" when purchasing, so...
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