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  1. cackleberryandco

    Hen or roo?

    This is my friend’s chicken. It is an Easter egger. I thought maybe hen but then she added all that stuff about behavior. What do you guys think?
  2. cackleberryandco

    Quail sudden deaths

    Hi guys! I’ve had quail for almost a year. We have 2 roosters and we did have 11 hens, but now we have 9. They are differing ages, the oldest ones being 1.1 years old and the others being between 2.5-5.5 months old. The two youngest girls both have died seemingly with no warning. They were...
  3. cackleberryandco

    Quail with hurt feet

    Hi! So I have this pretty girl that I just got today. I saw once I got home that her feet are very swollen. However, I do not think it is bumblefoot. The feet are swollen but there are no openings like in bumblefoot when you see a scab. The bigger more yellowy foot has some cracks in the skin...
  4. cackleberryandco

    Injured Quail - Advice Please!

    This is Athena, a 2 month old Coturnix quail. I purchased her yesterday from a feed store. There, she was totally fine. We got home and I opened the box and her legs are all messed up. They are sticking out in funny directions and she can’t stand up. I am wondering if she has slipped tendons? Is...
  5. cackleberryandco

    New quail is mean?

    Hi everyone! Wow I am new here!! I have had chickens now for two years and recently this past weekend I acquired some quail! I think they’re Coturnix?? Not sure. Don’t know anything about them. Anyways, I’ve got seven. One male and six females. They are all bout six weeks old except for one, a...
  6. cackleberryandco

    New Hawk a Threat?

    Hello! I live in Chicago. We have always had Red-tailed Hawks. They’re huge and very scary and we always know to keep the chickens in their run when one is around. But lately we’ve had a new guest. A Cooper’s Hawk, which I’ve never seen in my neighborhood since we moved in 9 years ago. I assume...
  7. cackleberryandco

    Help with Bumblefoot..

    Long time no see! I haven’t been around on this website in awhile. But I’ve got some issues. I have a speckled Sussex “Winona”, and a bantam buff Brahma “Matilda” who both have bumblefoot. Matilda does not look as bad, she has the scabs but no swelling or anything. Winona I am worried about. She...
  8. cackleberryandco

    Hen not acting quite right

    My little hen doesn’t feel good. Yesterday was her first birthday so we made all the girls some blueberry muffins with a mix that was made for chickens. Winona is obsessed with food and loves to go outside for free ranging time. Today I gave them a small snack and she didn’t care for it. Then I...
  9. cackleberryandco

    How long will she sit?

    I don’t know if this is the right thread for this so my apologies if it isn’t. I have a hen who went broody 9 days ago, she’s been sitting on non fertilized eggs and I keep taking them but she continues to sit, if I were to give her fertilized eggs now, would she restart her timer and sit for...
  10. cackleberryandco

    Weird lump on beak

    Can anyone give any ideas on what this might be on my speckled Sussex’s beak? Her name is Winona and she is a troublemaker. It’s not on the other side and it wasn’t there before. She’s 11 months old, turning one in July. Thanks!
  11. cackleberryandco

    Hen acting strange

    My 1 year old barred rock hen is a little off. She seems very clumsy, stumbles and walks with almost a squat, seems very “zoned out” and out of it, and is pooping exclusively liquid. I have not seen her drink at all though which is strange. She does appear to be eating… I gave her some...
  12. cackleberryandco

    What can I do to make them more comfortable?

    Anything I can do to make them more comfortable? I have ice in their water. Poor babies look miserable… it was just in the 40s and 50s last week
  13. cackleberryandco


    One of my 10 month old hens, a wyandotte named Darcy, is broody.. it’s our first time dealing with a broody chicken. She’s currently been sitting on about 9 eggs for about three days but we don’t have a rooster… so they won’t hatch. We want our eggs back but I don’t have the heart to take them...
  14. cackleberryandco

    Strange chicken

    One of my chickens keeps looking down, closing her eyes, shaking her head, spreading her wings as if to squat and walking backward, often into a wall. Is this normal? I’ve been seeing this behavior with her a lot over the last few days.
  15. cackleberryandco

    Does anyone know what may have happened here?

    Sorry for my second post today! I post a lot on this forum.. my chickens seem to have plenty of ailments that keep me on my toes. This is my Barred Rock hen, Peck. She was my first chicken and I love her with my whole heart. She will be turning one in May. Last night after work I went in to...
  16. cackleberryandco

    Nails too long?

    Are her nails too long? She’s in my bathroom right now, getting a bath bc she managed to cut herself and now reeks of blood. That’s a separate issue. But I noticed her nails were a little long, should I cut them? Or are they okay?
  17. cackleberryandco

    Please help my anxiety...

    My chickens are morons. All of them. They're definitely knowledgeable, but not very bright.... book-smart, but not street-smart? Anyways, today one of them ate an entire banana peel. Like, took one of the pieces of it and swallowed the whole thing whole. And it was long. And it looked like it...
  18. cackleberryandco

    my little bite sized brahmas ❤️

    love buff brahma bantams ❤️❤️ this is Maisy. We have another one (bottom picture) called Matilda. They’ve got the biggest personalities in their little bodies. I don’t see many of these guys in other flocks so I thought I’d show them off! Crazy how big brahmas turn into these little guys
  19. cackleberryandco

    Bird flu :(

    For those of you who may know, I am a college student, so I go to school in Cook County but my house is in DuPage County (with my chickens). I just saw on the news, 3 confirmed cases of bird flu found in waterfowl (in this case, Canadian geese) in Will County, which is basically directly below...
  20. cackleberryandco

    Hawk attack

    Had a Red Tailed hawk swoop down on my chickens today.. nothing serious but my Wyandotte did get injured on her face (the hawk pinned her down by her face before I chased it off) She’s got this large bump next to her eye plus a few scratches below and behind her eye. She’s also got some blood...
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