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  • Users: Hiimscott
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  1. Hiimscott

    When to offer a refund/replacement

    Hi guys, I've been breeding and selling chooks for 3 years now. On Saturday a couple came and picked up 2 - 5 month old Silkies from me, today (Wednesday) they have sent me a message saying 1 has died. I have not had a death here in about 6 months or have a had someone tell me this happened...
  2. Hiimscott

    Maran x Araucana 8 weeks old

    Hey, I bought some rainbow frozen fertile eggs this one is 8 weeks old and I'm really unsure of its gender.. could anyone help me out? Thanks!
  3. Hiimscott

    Please help

    Hi, I am currently away on holidays and my pet sitter has just messaged me a photo of a baby Silkie who looks as though she has a skin tag on her bottom eyelid. We are assuming she has been pecked by another. She kept scratching her eye with her foot so pet sitter gave her a bath so she has...
  4. Hiimscott

    Brahma gender?

    hey, first time hatching Brahma chicks, this one is 18 weeks old. I originally thought it was a boy but now I'm not certain. Could someone who is better at sexing help me out? Thanks
  5. Hiimscott

    Are these two boys?

    Two Lavander Sussex both 17 weeks old, do we think I have 2 boys? Thanks
  6. Hiimscott

    Are these all boys?

    Hey, first time raising these breeds and would like a second opinion before they go off to Mr Rooster man. All 8 weeks old, Buff Orpington Silver Laced Barnevelder Lavender Sussex Thanks!
  7. Hiimscott

    6 week old Lavender Sussex with growth

    Hey guys, last week I noticed a small growth on the side of one of my chicks beaks. Today I've noticed that it has popped up on another 2. The original chicks growth has grown quite large now. (Pictured) Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks!
  8. Hiimscott

    Chickens with Sour Crop

    Hi guys, I've just found 3 of my 20 week old pullets with what seems like Sour Crop, I have withheld food. I read somewhere that a crop should have a ph of 5.5, I own a Kangen Water Machine. I'm wondering if I used a Ph of 5.5 for their drinking water would this help?
  9. Hiimscott

    Runny nose Silkie

    Hey, I have a 20 week old Pullet with a runny nose, her eyes are fine and she doesn't appear to be sneezing, just a discharge from her nose. I've read some horror stories that if it's a respiratory disease I should cull to stop the spread, I'm wondering if there's a chance this is something...
  10. Hiimscott

    Need help with Silkie colouring

    Hey everyone, I have some 4 week old silkies, parents are a blue roo over splash hens. Out of the 8 chicks from this hatch I have 2 that are solid white, a few of their siblings have already gotten their splash colouring. I'm just wondering if it's possible that these two will stay white, or...
  11. Hiimscott

    Is this a girl?

    Hey guys, I'm pretty certain this is a girl, going to sell her today as a girl so I don't want to make a mistake. 'She' is 9 weeks old... Thanks!
  12. Hiimscott

    Are these girls?

    Hey guys, i've separated what I think are girls, 10-16 weeks old. Am I correct or can you spot a Roo? Thanks 😊
  13. Hiimscott

    Are these boys?

    Hey, I have someone coming to collect roosters from me tomorrow, want to make sure I've rounded up all my suspected Roos. If you think you see a hen can you help me out? Thanks
  14. Hiimscott

    Breed and Gender

    Hey everyone, I have these 5 babies that are 8 weeks old, wondering what breed they could be, and if I got the gender correct. Thanks 😊
  15. Hiimscott

    Male or Female

    8 week old Wyandotte What do you guys think?
  16. Hiimscott

    Fertile or not?

    Hey, could anyone tell me if this egg is fertile or not? Thanks 😀
  17. Hiimscott

    New Rooster

    Hi guys, I've recently just brought a new rooster into my flock, he is a Silkie around 6-7 months old. I live in suburbia where roosters are 'not recommend' I contacted my local council and they told me that I can have one, but if I get too many complaints I'll have to move him on. I created...
  18. Hiimscott

    Deformation and breeding

    Hey everyone, a few months ago I bought a trio of white silkies, after I got them home I noticed that they all had 1 of their toe nails on each foot was upside down, would this be a bad idea to breed them?
  19. Hiimscott

    Can we try and figure the sex of these two yet?

    Hey everyone, these guys are just over week old, wondering if anyone could figure out if they're boys or girls. Breed is Wyandotte Thanks ☺️
  20. Hiimscott

    Brinsea 56 EX screws seized up

    Hey, I have a 2.5 yo Brinsea 56 EX that has been used a handful of times, I've just gone to clean it out and it seems like the screws in the lid have seized to the plastic, I'm only able to get 1 of 8 screws out... Has anyone had this issue before? Been able to rectify? Or could anyone give me...
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