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  1. Wacky Workshop

    Marek's Disease or Something Else? Chick Walking Backwards

    Hello! I recently bought 20 Americaunas, and two appear to have some sort of disease. The first one has full paralysis in her legs, but she's still chipper and eats/drinks/poops normally. The second one is the same, but instead of having fully paralysed legs, he... walks backwards?? Video...
  2. Wacky Workshop

    Duck has been Sitting in Shell for 12 hours--is this normal?

    ello! this morning, i had my first ever pip! it was super exciting to see my little duck's head. however, it's now been 12 hours since i saw it pip and he really hasn't made much progress. His head is sticking out of his shell, but he hasn't really moved since. he's super talkative, though...
  3. Wacky Workshop

    Heavy Chicken with Short Legs has Really Bad Limp

    Hello! I have a 7mo hen. She's the sweetest thing in the world, but she has abnormally short legs, which makes it difficult for her to walk. Recently, a really heavy rooster mounted her, and since then she's had a really bad limp. I can't bring myself to kill her, but I don't want her to be in...
  4. Wacky Workshop

    Failure to Thrive Chick?

    Okay, do I have two baby Sussexes, and they are the same age. One is very small compared to the other. I believe they are about a month old, though I'm not 100% sure. She is the chick on the right. She looks much bigger in the picture than she actually is. Should I be worried about her? So of...
  5. Wacky Workshop

    Chick Acts Like She's Still in an Egg

    I just bought thirty chickens and fifteen ducks from Privett Hatchery. This was my first time ordering chicks via mail, and I was surprised only one was dead in the box, which was sad, of course, but the survival rate was much better than originally anticipated. Anyway, this one chick (she's a...
  6. Wacky Workshop

    Chick Mysteriously Dies?

    So, I had nine chicks of an unknown breed. They're all yellowish-orange. Just now, one of them died! I have no clue how. Here are the factours: Producer's Pride Metal Brooder/Heater Medicated water...
  7. Wacky Workshop

    Two Bantams Unnaturally Tiny?

    I picked up two silver(?) bantams in late February/early March. They are the same age as my Bronze Turkeys and RIRs, but are pitifully tiny. If I had to estimate, they have probably grown 10 grams since I got them. One of them is a rooster, which makes me worried about his safety, since he is...
  8. Wacky Workshop

    Baby Chick Lethargic! Please Help Immediately, I Don't Want to Lose Her!!

    I just got ten chicks from Basin Coop today, and even before we got them, one was very sick-looking. I finally got to see her when she got home, and she is very lethargic. She will drink from a pipette, but not eat. We have given her Rooster Booster vitamins & electrolytes, and I've had her away...
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