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  • Users: bjdewell
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  1. bjdewell

    Is bare concrete with faux grass okay to use as the floor of a hen house?

    I'm putting concrete down where I will place my hens' coop. They are outside free-ranging from dawn to dusk, and only go into their small coop to eat, drink, munch on egg shells and grit, and then go out again. At dusk they come in and eat/drink and I throw in some grubs for a treat and shut...
  2. bjdewell

    Do these eggs have worms, or is this normal?

    Hi, everyone. I've attached three photos of eggs that look like they might have worms in them. (Aren't they gorgeous eggs? lol) What do you think? I have four Black Australorps, 11 months old. Two have been laying every day, and two have not layed for quite a while. The laying hens look...
  3. bjdewell

    Is this molting, or is my hen sick?

    I had two sick hens, Betsy and Coco, both 9-months old, both had diarrhea and purplish/light colored combs and wattles, although they were not acting any differently. Still eating, drinking, playing in the yard, taking dust baths, interacting well with me and each other, etc. First Betsy was...
  4. bjdewell

    Grey/Black poops - is this a sign of disease?

    I have four 8-month-old Black Australorps who are all happy, seem healthy, and eat egg-layer pellets as their feed. They have water available near their coop/run and all over the yard. They get the same treats - grubs and a scratch mixture - once a day. They are free-rangers, all day long...
  5. bjdewell

    Size and shell hardness of new eggs, also lots of screeching lately

    My 4 Black Australorps are 5 months old now and have recently laid the first two eggs between them in the last 3 days. The eggs are very small and the shells are really hard. I had to crack the eggs hard, twice each, against a bowl to open the egg. They are getting regular chicken-laying...
  6. bjdewell

    Is it okay for chickens to eat grapes before they are ripe?

    My chickens are almost 19 weeks old and are free-ranging all day long, all over my yard. I have a grapevine that has a lot of grape clusters growing, but they aren't ripe yet. The chickens have just discovered this area in the yard, it's the best place for the chickens, and they love it. The...
  7. bjdewell

    Four hens, three always together, one hangs back?

    My four Black Australorps are all 16 weeks old, and since they've been outside, either in their coop or free-ranging, they are usually in a 3-1 configuration. Three will be rooting around for bugs, laying together, walking in a bunch, and the fourth hen is usually behind them, sitting on the...
  8. bjdewell

    New member in the high desert of New Mexico

    It's been years since I've had chickens, but just became a backyard small flock person again. I'm loving it. My four Black Australorps are four months old now and I'm continuously changing things up to make their coop, run, and backyard free-ranging the best for them! I love the questions and...
  9. bjdewell

    How to tell my 4 Black Australorps apart?

    I have 4 Black Australorp hens, 4 months old. I want to name them, but they all look so much alike, I can't tell them apart. Has anyone solved this issue? Leg bands, special hen toenail polish? lol
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