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  1. R

    Chicken w/ sour crop and slow blinking

    Hi everyone, I have a 9 month old silkie hen that I noticed was quite lethargic yesterday. After feeling her crop, I realized it was bloated, so I've been treating her for sour crop with some crop massaging/coconut oil + 2x daily miconazole. I haven't noticed any improvement, but it's also only...
  2. R

    Does my rooster need to go?

    Hey there, I’ve got a 7-month old EE rooster who is becoming a bit of an issue and I’m not sure what to do. He was a ‘surprise’ but I’ve kept him so far as he was good at keeping an eye on the 6 hens when they were free-ranging. But he isn’t really ‘needed’ for protection as they only...
  3. R

    Injuries near hens' tailfeathers/under wing—from other hens or rooster?

    Hi all, first-time chicken owner here. I've just noticed similar injuries on two of my hens. It looks like the feathers have been removed near the hens' tailfeathers and underneath their wings (picture attached). On one, the bare skin is about 2 inches, on another, about 3. The skin doesn't look...
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