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  1. M

    Early hatch by broody

    Hi friends. Today, I had the surprise of a lifetime. I opened up the nesting box to check on my broody hen, and what do I see? I day old white chick. Everything I know about chickens is a lie. I let her start sitting on some eggs laid on May 25th. Several of those early eggs were broken or very...
  2. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    One of my year old Black sex-links seemed to have disappeared, but she was buried alive by flock. I found her and an egg partially buried in a corner of the run on day 2 or 3. She was lethargic, but took water when offered, then ate an egg yolk after encouragement. I gave Sav-a-chick...
  3. M

    Can you overfeed chicks?

    Hello all, it's the chook spoiler again. :lol: I've added six day-old black sex-link chicks to my flock, my first go with chicks. They are now 3 weeks old and one is 2 weeks (Had to get a replacement for a failure to thrive), and I have been feeding them granulated start & grow at about 2-3 cups...
  4. M

    Chickens almost exclusively eating scratch

    My birds are about 25 weeks and are now almost exclusively eating scratch. They were free ranged and got scratch and kitchen scraps before I got them at 16 weeks, and are now mostly penned to the run. When I got them I had them on medicated flock raiser, and they did not seem to care whether it...
  5. M

    Heat lamp for 25+ week old flock and molt

    I'm a first time flock owner in the Northern part of Clermont co, in SW Ohio on the west side of Harsha Lake; the Almanac is calling for a cold, long Winter but we probably will not get much snow. My birds are about 25 weeks now (Australorp-Orpington and possibly other breeds), and I got them...
  6. M

    Help me select 7-8 week old females?

    Please read entire post- I am asking about what traits help you identify gender between 6-8 weeks of age. The local breeder I got my birds from has 7-8 week old birds available, I would like to pick up a few more females but at this age I'm not great at sexing and neither is she. They are...
  7. M

    Stealth Rooster?

    I have six ~21 week old Australorp Orpington crosses, and I know neither breed was intended to be feather sexed, so how can I be sure? I'm 99.9% sure one of my birds is a roo due to feathers and behavior, and much less sure about one of the others because the feathers are much blunter and...
  8. M

    Nice to meet you! Feels like I've known you forever!

    Hello, I'm Meg and I think I've been reading as a background lurker since at least 2010 on and off. A friend and I have found this or similarly named community many times over the years as we dreamed about our future flock, and here I am, finally with birds of my own! :yesss: I grew up around...
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