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  1. Bigandlittles

    Lone chickie

    One lone chicken hatched from a clutch we found outside. She is about 3 weeks old now. Would it be safe to go ahead and move it outside into the small coop we have? I live in south louisiana so it is very warm already not getting below 70 at night. I do have 4 fully grown silkie in another coop...
  2. Bigandlittles

    Southern heat and broody silkie

    My silkie is currently sitting on eggs. It is extremely hot here in south louisiana and I am curious if it is healthy for her to be sitting on eggs right now. How long will it take for them to start hatching and will the heat have any effect on that? My other hen has laid an egg in the same box...
  3. Bigandlittles

    Sexing silkies

    Holding a chick by the head and letting their feet dangle for a second. Can someone tell me if this is a real way of sexing your chicks. My neighbor said this is how the older generation does it but I have never heard of such a thing. Any insight from y’all experts would help. I am trying to...
  4. Bigandlittles

    Should I assist emergency

    An egg pipped yesterday around 1pm. It pipped on the underside of shell. I have seen no progress since then. Should I be doing something to help this chick or should I let him be? I also have one that has pipped at around 5 this morning but it looks unlike the other pips I have seen.
  5. Bigandlittles

    Humidity issue during lock down

    Help please. We have done a dry hatch with silkie eggs. We raised the humidity yesterday and stopped rotation. Over night a cold front came through. The humidity was at 24 when we woke up this morning. I added water and now have the humidity back up to 55. I am nervous that those few hous of low...
  6. Bigandlittles

    Looking for someone

    I bought some eggs off of eBay from a very nice ladies last year. She was very helpful and knowledgeable about what she does. She sells white silkie eggs. I was curious if she was on byc. I’d love to find her and share updates on her eggs. Anyone know where to start.
  7. Bigandlittles

    Can a hen be broody without lying eggs ?

    My almost 1 year old silkie has not laid any eggs for a couple of days. She is still sitting in her laying spot but not laying an egg. When I go out with her food she will jump down and eat but shortly after she is back in her laying box. Is this normal or Is this something I should worry about.
  8. Bigandlittles

    Good picture taking

    I am new here and I’m not used to taking pictures of my chicks. I did not see another thread about picture taking strategies. Some of you have the most beautiful pictures of your flocks and I would love for y’all to share that knowledge with me. So if anyone wants to share some of their picture...
  9. Bigandlittles

    Help me identify my small flock

    He’s some kind of bantam apparently but I would love to know what kind.this is supposed to be a Jersey giant?and this is one of my silkies. He looks like he’s turning male but my other male is way more developed already. Is this male or female? And do you think the Banty and the silkie can mate?
  10. Bigandlittles

    Love my small flock

    I have 5 chickens. A black Jersey giant hen, a bantam rooster. I wish someone could tell me exactly what kind of bantam rooster he is. I also hatched out an incubator some white silkies. I think 1 rooster and 2 hens. One of the hens look like a rooster. But not as much as the other rooster and...
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