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  • Users: NireRN
  • Content: Threads
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  1. NireRN

    hatching something!? (with pixs)

    Wanna hear a story? Got my boys off to school and then came home to check on the chooks. Hadn't checked on them since Thursday, I'm a RN and had to work Friday, Sat and Sunday. 12 hour days.! Yesterday was yuck in SW Indiana!! I have 1 cochin bantam black roo, 3 cochin/silkie bantam hens and...
  2. NireRN

    chooks cracking eggs

    I had a hen last year that would crack the eggs on the nest. She has started again this year. PROBLEM - not sure which one is doing it! I have 4 cochin/silkie hens and a cochin roo. I try to get them quickly, but to no avail. I have grit, food, water and fresh fenced run. Thought she had...
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