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  1. TheChickInn

    Calling all pullorum testers.....

    Hi! I recently obtained my pullorum testing certification. I bought the testing unit, antigen, and bands and my daughter and I were all ready to test our flock, but the prick and loop tool did not work. The sharp end did it's job, but the loop end would not pick up any blood! I even brought...
  2. TheChickInn

    Eggbound? or Water Belly?? Or Something Else??

    Has she been dewormed lately? A chicken with a distended abdomen could have a heavy parasite load..........
  3. TheChickInn

    Dirt or Lice/Mite Eggs?

    Also mites typically do not travel up onto the feather, they stay on the skin near the base of the feathers.
  4. TheChickInn

    Dirt or Lice/Mite Eggs?

    It's hard to tell from the pic- but looks like dirt to me, mites can move quickly though. I have ( thankfully) never seen what lice looks like. Most of the time, mites will be found near the vent, see if you can see any tiny crawling bugs there first...
  5. TheChickInn

    Snowflake quail.....girls or boys???

    Thank you so much! I will try getting ahold of her......
  6. TheChickInn

    Snowflake quail.....girls or boys???

    That would be awesome- do you know her name by chance?
  7. TheChickInn

    Snowflake quail.....girls or boys???

    Thank to find them a boyfriend!
  8. TheChickInn

    Snowflake quail.....girls or boys???

    So here they are again at 4 months old. One is still darker than the other- but lacks the darker head feathering. Do you think they are both girls? My son wanted to show a pair at the fair this summer, not sure what we will do now.....
  9. TheChickInn

    SQ Ameraucanas wanted

    I am looking for some show quality blue or black Ameraucanas. I had some problems with frozen eggs this winter, so only hatched out 2 in January. My children show this breed at the fair, and the 12 that I have in the incubator right now will not be mature enough for them to show in July. I am...
  10. TheChickInn

    Chicken autopsy :(

    Thanks again ChickenCanoe! I will for sure be revising my rooster feeding program!
  11. TheChickInn

    Chicken autopsy :(

    Thanks so much for that information! It makes me mad that the feed companies would market their "all flock" feeds for flocks with roosters in them. They are supposed to be the so called "experts" in making a feed formula to keep our flocks healthy- not give them potential problems! Do you...
  12. TheChickInn

    Chicken autopsy :(

    Thanks for your input ChickenCanoe! The kidney stone is a possibility, as I did not actually open the kidneys. The kidneys were of normal color and size though. There were no white crystals on any of the organs or internal fat. This is actually my first chicken death in a few years, and I...
  13. TheChickInn

    Chicken autopsy :(

    I had to put down one of my beloved show BCM hens, today after a month long battle of her failure to thrive. I purchased her from a reputable breeder last spring as a 5 month old pullet, she had been vaccinated for Marek's. I had her in isolation for a month and vaccinated her for LT and N/B (...
  14. TheChickInn

    Upset with one of my girls...

    It's hard when they don't all get along. Just remember that there will always be a natural "pecking order" for any flock of chickens. We have a mixed flock, but have occasionally have had to keep one or two troublemakers in a separate cage by themselves, as it seems that once they learn to...
  15. TheChickInn

    close up face shots :)

    Sombrero the Breda polish roo!
  16. TheChickInn

    I thought I had it all figured out...

    Hi! I think they will be fine, as long as they can scratch around in the garden, they shouldn't get bored and pick on each other instead. I have some show chickens that are confined to cages during the showing season so that they do not make a mess of their feathers while out free ranging. I...
  17. TheChickInn

    where to keep food

    An old ( nonworking) chest freezer is best for keeping feed dry and mice away if you have the room for it.! They are nice because you can keep several bags of opened feed inside, unlike using a trash can. Metal trash cans work well also though.
  18. TheChickInn

    Northern fowl mite - repeatedly cleaning coop overkill??

    Mites are NO fun! I have had good luck keeping them at bay for awhile now. When I had a winter infestation a few years back, it really took me by surprise, as I had only ever seen them in summer. When I found them- I gave them ALL a bath in Adams flea and tick shampoo- it has a residual that...
  19. TheChickInn

    Chick feeder - No waste

    Great idea!!!
  20. TheChickInn

    Need some cute silkie names!!

    Silkies are hard to sex until they are about 3-4 months old. I always wait to name them, I've been fooled too many times! There are some awesome names to be found on the Pictures and Stories section of the forum.
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