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  • Users: nono
  • Content: AMS articles, AMS comments, AMS pages, AMS ratings, AMS series
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  1. nono

    Soaking Up Some Afternoon Autumn Sun

    I live in New England, and have a mixed flock of 9 pullets (2 Buff Orpingtona, 2 Barred Plymouths Rocks, 1 Plymouth Rock, 2 Astralorps and 2 Aracaunas) who have all just started laying in the past two months. We allow them to free range on our acreage on the weekends when they can be supervised...
  2. The Schoop

    The Schoop

    What do you get when you combine a Child's School House with a Chicken Coop? Well, a Schoop of course! :) Our coop journey began two years ago when our neighbor's a few doors away converted an old wooden child's playhouse they had acquired for their daughter, into a chicken coop...
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