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  1. Shawna235

    When to integrate younger birds?

    My current flock is: 1 RIR, 2 Ply Rocks, 1 Orp, 1 Ameraucana, 2 Wyandottes, 1 Black Sex Link, and a RIR roo who was supposed to be a she. They are between 17 and 21 weeks old and we are just getting our first eggs. The roo has found his crow and his testosterone and now shows typical...
  2. Shawna235

    What Breed

    I am new at this but I see a poster suggested the Orpington and I have to say that I have one and I love, love, love her! Sussex is on my wish list, so i'd say either of those are great options. Or both? I have a mixed flock. Not sure if they are good in your area but I do love my Barred...
  3. Shawna235

    Help, Should I clip my chicken's wings?

    I clipped one wing on each of my escapies Our backyard is contained by a tall fence so if they escape the run, the damage they do is to the garden, which is why I clipped. Somehow, my Barred Rocks still manage to get over (5' chain link) and so I tried clipping the second wing to see if that...
  4. Shawna235

    Letting Chickens into the Garden?

    I do! We have had trouble w/ powdery mildew so i have sprayed the squash, pumpkin, cukes and zucchini with it. My chickens have a lot of access to the garden and leave those plants alone. What they demollish is my lettuce, and especially my kale. Grrrr..... Need them to grow so i can...
  5. Shawna235

    Which breed layed a speckly brown egg and when can the chicks join the flock?

    Our first egg (sorry no picture) was small, perfectly shaped, very hard shelled, and medium brown w/ some white speckles on it. I have a Buff Orpington age 19 1/2 weeks, 2 Barred Rocks age 18 weeks... the rest are 16 1/2 weeks and are Wyandottes, RIRs, Ameraucana and Black Sex Link. My guess...
  6. Shawna235


    Do you offer layer feed or just corn? Mine are just at point of lay as well and I'm still learning. Just wondering if the feed makes a difference for actually laying, or if it just improves egg quality. Hmmm.. Interested for replies.
  7. Shawna235

    Rhode Island Reds 14 weeks old

    I am a newbie but I have to RIRs. Mine are only about 9 weeks old but it was clear about a month ago that one lady was a guy. Lucy actually looks a lot like yours-she has a smaller comb and her feathering is more red w/ no dark feathers. Ethel (renamed by my husband, as Ken-lol) has a taller...
  8. Shawna235

    Newbie-tips on keeping run and coop clean, minimizing smells

    Thanks for the tips. Well, the coop is finished-7x5' or so. We did use linoleum which has worked wonderfully! I did the tray w/ sand for droppings under the roosts and I scoop that w a large slotted spoon and add to the compost pile. The shavings dirty bedding will go in the yard waste bin...
  9. Shawna235

    Newbie-tips on keeping run and coop clean, minimizing smells

    Thank you. I already have my chicks so the number is set. The kids were pretty ambitious:). Sand is a great idea for the run. I am using the nugget type of bedding for them now but was leaning toward pine shavings for the coop. I plan to compost the poo and dirty bedding as well.
  10. Shawna235

    Newbie-tips on keeping run and coop clean, minimizing smells

    I grew up on the farm and so very familiar w/ barnyard smells but I am trying to be considerate of my neighbors and the nearby business. What is the best way to keep the odor to a minimum and keep the run and coop clean? I saw a great idea to put a shelf of sand or "Stall dri" under the...
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